06 | Luke

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I walked up to Maddie's front door. She had told me that her parents were out of town this week and that her brother was staying over her grandparents. I was skeptical to whether she would be home or not by now or if Kieran would be here too but I didn't care. If he saw me, he saw me. I wasn't that bothered. No one would believe his word over mine anyway. I rang the doorbell and heard it quietly ring in the hallway.

"Go away" I heard someone shout. I stepped back and saw a light on in Maddie's room.

"Mads, it's Luke. Let me in" I shouted up.

"I don't want to see anyone right now"

"Maddie, I'm sorry. Just please let me in" I got no reply. After waiting for a couple of minutes, I reached behind the plant pot that was next to the door and pulled out the spare key. I opened the door before placing the key bach where I found it. I then went into the house and shut the door, using the key inside to lock it. I went upstairs to Maddie's room and found the door locked.

"Let me in, Maddie"

"Luke, just leave me alone"

"You're upset, I can tell. I'm not leaving. I'll stay here all night if I have too" I heard a sigh before a click. I tried the door handle and was able to succesfully open it and enter the room. I walked in and saw Maddie sat on the floor against the bed wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt. My sweatshirt. I smiled a bit at the thought before seeing a dress, tights and shoes in a pile in the middle of the room.

"Maddie, what's wrong?" I said, crouching down to her. She was bundled on the floor, her head rested on her knees. She lifted her head up and I saw her blotchy red eyes. I sat down next to her, my back again the end of the bed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"K-Ki" She sobbed quietly, not finishing her words. But it was enough.

"Kieran? What did the fucking dickhead do?"


"No, Maddie. I'm fed up of seeing you like this because of that asshole"

"I- I got to the cinema and walked in to see him" She broke down again, not being able to tell me the rest. I closed the gap between us, pulling her closer and hugging her, rubbing her back and trying to sooth her. "He was kissing another girl, like full on making out with her"

"I'm sorry, Maddie. What happened after?"

"I walked over to him and yelled at him and may or may not of slapped him"

"That's my girl"

"And I broke up with him"

"Thank god" I said, relieved that she was no longer involved with him. It went silent, both of us in our own thoughts. "I'm going to kill that little shit"

"No, Luke you can't. He'll find out about us"

"I don't care. Plus it's his word against mine"

"Yeah, but the girl I saw him kissing was Chelsea"


"My point exactly"

"One day I'll kill him. When he least expects it" I pulled her closer, rubbing her back once again. She sobbed quietly into my chest.

"Thank you, Luke"

"For what?"

"Coming here, comforting me, threatening to kill him. Just being you"

"I only came to apologise for earlier. So, I'm sorry"

"It's fine, Luke. You've been right all this time anyway"

"Well, I am pretty great, aren't I?" A slight giggle left her lips and I smiled. "Hey, that's more like it" I nudged her slightly and saw a smile creep onto her face.

"You're such a good friend to me, Luke"

"Yep, friends" I said quietly, leaning my head back further against the bed.

04 | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now