12 | Maddie

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Hey guys. Special double update because A WEEK TILL I GO TO THE 5SOS CONCERT AND I CANNOT COPE. Its got to the point where I've related Facebook stickers to the good girls music video! An insight to my brain there! Anyway, love you all and please comment and vote. I hope you like it!

"Maddie, I need you to work behind the counter today" Sally, my boss said as I walked into the staff area to grab my apron.

"OK" I replied as she walked back into her office. I put my apron around my neck and tied it at the front. I then went back behind the counter and stood waiting for someone to come in. We opened at 8:30 on a Saturday but we rarely got customers before 9 unless they were on their way to work. They were the usuals. I watched Mason as he wiped the tables and refilled the sugar and napkins. We always worked our shifts together. We started at the same time. I refilled the fridge with milk and cream as well as making sure the coffee syrups weren't empty. Mason walked over to me and leaned against the wall.

"So, you and Hemmings, ey?"

"You heard?" I was surprised considering he went to the other school just out of town. It was the same one Ash went too when he was at school. Mason knew about Luke and I. Luke was always at the shop when he wasn't working himself. That was usually when I had to take the late shift. He'd stay behind and help me clean and lock up. We'd end up messing around and dancing around the tables normally.

"Yeah, it got spread around our school too" He said. "So, tell me what went down"

"There's not much to tell"

"Maddie" He whined.

"Fine. We met in middle school. Neither of us knew anyone else. We've been friends since"

"I already know that. Come on Mads! I know how rule just got in the way"

"At least you get that" I said, glad that someone understands. "I wish you went to my school, then you could back Luke and I up"

"What happened when everyone found out?"

"Luke got kicked off the football team and I got kicked off the squad. I'm not bothered about me. I'm worried about Luke though. Football was everything to him. It still is. He says it's not, but I know it is. After his grandfather passed away, he was determined to succeed at it just like he'd always wanted. I need to bring that Luke back"

"Be a supportive girlfriend and help him" I almost choked on air.

"I'm not his girlfriend. We're not dating"

"Oh, I forgot, you've got Kieran"

"Actually, we broke up"

"Anything else you need to tell me, Carter?" He joked.

"Not that I can think of"

"You and Luke would be a cute couple though" I raised my eyebrows. "Don't act all innocent. I've seen you two in here dancing and messing about. I'm pretty sure he likes you, I mean who wouldn't"

"Are you trying to tell me something, Mase?"

"Madison Carter! I have Tyler!" Oh yeah, did I mention? Mason's gay. He's so open about it and doesn't care what people think. He came out a couple of years ago. I was one of the first people he told. We knew each other before working here. This was just a coincidence. His mum used to work with mine before my mum decided to leave that company.

"OMG, Myler forever!" I said and he rolled his eyes at my fangirling.


Before we knew it, the clock struck 12pm. Our shifts were over. Amy and Kylie came in to the coffee shop and put on their aprons before coming back out to take over from us. It had been quite a busy morning which meant the afternoon would be twice as busy as usual with the lunch rush that hit in about half an hour. Mason and I went out back and took off our aprons, placing them in the small, square lockers each employee had. I grabbed my bag and put my phone back in it. I then went back out front and grabbed the two drinks I'd had made to takeaway. One caramel cream
frappé and one coffee cream frappé. I then walked the short distance through town to Solo music store. Mason walked with me since he walked the same way to get home.

"I'll see you next week, Mase" I kissed his cheek and hugged him before going into the store. I saw Luke stood behind the counter as usual. I watched him look out the window and put his hand up to Mason and smile. "One coffee cream frappé with extra cream and chocolate dust" I said placing the takeaway cup in front of him.

"Thanks, beautiful"

"Stop calling me that"

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"I do, it's just, I don't know"

"Until you know, I will call you it" He took a small bit of cream from his drink and placed it on my nose. I wiped it off and gave him a sarcastic smile. "How was work?" He asked as I took a sip from my own drink.

"Good actually. I just talked to Mason for the most of it. I filled him in on our lives, he filled me in on his"

"How's Myler?"

"Going strong"

"That's all I wanted to hear" I laughed slightly and smiled. Luke, Mason, Tyler and I had all hung out together before. We'd even been on "double dates" as Mason referred to them. He's always had a thing about Luke and I being more than friends. I think it's because Luke's so touchy. He's always got his arm around my waist or shoulders or just drawing patterns onto my skin. I've kind of gotten used to it now.

"I've got something for you" He said. I looked at him confused as he reached under he counter. "Close your eyes" I did as he said and shut them. I heard him place something on the top of the counter. "Open"

I looked and saw three different things. One was the new All Time Low album which I'd been going on about to Luke for the last two weeks since it came out. Luke knew I had no iTunes credit to buy it. I also saw the vinyl record of Future Hearts and the Sleeping With Sirens, Madness CD.

"Luke, this is amazing! Thank you!" I went round to his side of the counter and hugged him.

"Cinderblock Garden's one of my favourites" He said once we'd released from the embrace. "I think you'll like it too"

"I'll trust your judgement, Hemmings"

Please vote, comment and share and anything else. Love you :-)

Oh and if you're going to a 5sos concert soon pm me! Actually if you're going to one anytime, we can all relate! ;-)

04 | Luke HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang