13 | Luke

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Double update! 1 WEEK

"So, do you think they have a chance tonight?" Maddie asked me as we walked up the bleachers and to a free space in the middle rows. The Panthers were playing the Eagles. It was a semi-final game. One of the biggest games we were scheduled to play. I was so looking forward to crushing them. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

"Yeah, as long as they use the game plans Calum and I came up with before" It fell silent between the two of us.

"Luke, how are you? You know, without football"

"Not bad"

"Luke, the truth"

"What about you, Mads? Without cheerleading"

"Cheerleading was just a hobby. It's you I'm worried about. Football meant the world to you"

"You know, when my grandfather died, the last thing he said to me was, "Lucas, I have every faith that you're going to succeed in life. Football's your calling. I know you'll make it in the big leagues. Do me proud, Luke." I can't help but feel as if I've let him down"

"That's not true, Luke. He would never feel disappointed in you. No matter what you do in life, he'll be proud"

"Do you want to know what else he told me?" She nodded. "He told me that if I ever had to sacrifice football for anything, that I should only ever sacrifice it for you. He said that you were the best thing to happen to me. He really loved you, Maddie"

"He was a great man, Luke. I loved him too" She told me. I remembered his funeral. Maddie came too. After all, they'd been almost just as close as we had been. He thought the world of Maddie. Told me never to let her go. That it would be the greatest mistake I would ever make. He knew about the rule and had always said that the girl was worth it. No matter what, always put her first. Maddie sat with the rest of the family at the front. Some of my cousins and other family didn't appreciate her being at the front. I remember Maddie resting her head on my shoulder as she cried. I was literally her shoulder to cry on. The role was reversed not long after.

"I want to make my grandfather proud. I'm determined to make something of myself in this sport"

"Just remember, no matter what path you take in life, he'd be proud of you. Sure football is what your grandfather saw you doing in your future but he wouldn't hate you for doing something you love. After all, he always said, "As long as you do something you love, I'll be proud." Luke, if football isn't what you see yourself doing for the rest of your life, then don't do it. Do what makes you happy"

"Thanks, Maddie, I really needed to hear that" She smiled at me and kissed my cheek before we both turned our attention to the game that was just starting. We both cheered for Calum as he ran on to the pitch. It was weird to see the game from a spectators point of view. I'm so focused on what I'm doing, what the other players are doing and most importantly where the ball was.


"They're down 34 - 23. I don't know what's happening. They're doing everything they always do" I spoke my thoughts out loud.

"They're missing their star player that's why"


"No, the guy sat picking his nose in the second row" I rolled my eyes. "Of course you"

"I love your sarcasm" I kissed her forehead. Suddenly, I heard loud running up the steps of the bleachers and looked to see Calum approaching us with Danny following close behind.

"Luke, we need you"

"Calum, I'm not on the team"

"You should be, Luke. You're one of the best players this school has ever had. We need you on that field. We need you, Luke"


"Luke, please"

"Luke, we really need you. We can't afford to lose this game. We need to win the championship. Please, we need our captain back" Danny said.

"Go on, prove to everyone that you're the best player that this school's ever seen" Maddie said to me.

"Fine. I'll do it" I told them, a smile evident on my face.

"Good luck" Maddie whispered as she hugged me. She kissed my cheek and smiled as I walked away with the boys. I looked back to see she was moving to the front row. I walked into the locker rooms and saw my stuff left as it was. I quickly changed into my uniform before joining Calum again. I held my helmet as we approached the group of boys on the field and formed a huddle.

"Alright, guys. This is the semi-final. If we lose this, we've lost our chance at winning the championship and regaining the title that was lost four years ago. We're going to go out there and play like it's the final. We can get the score back up. Use the game plans and catch them out every once in a while. Ready?" They nodded. "Lets go" I quickly clapped and we got into position, myself in quarterback as usual.

"Good to have you back, Hemmings" Josh shouted over as I pushed my helmet onto my head.


"You won" Maddie said, running onto the pitch. She hugged me immediately.

"Luke?" I turned around to see the team lined up in front of me. I stood with Maddie next to me, my arm wrapped around my waist. "You are officially reappointed as captain of the Cedar High Panthers football team"

"Seriously? What about everything that happened?"

"It's in the past" Danny said. I saw Jordan roll his eyes.

"Anyway, let's just be happy. We're in the championships!" Kyle shouted. They started cheering and Calum came over to me.

"Told you I had your back"

"Thanks, Calum. You're a good friend"

"You bet I am"

Please comment and vote and everything! Thanks for reading, hope you liked it! xxxx :-)

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