05 | Luke

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Biology. Boring but not the worst. After all, Maddie's desk is next to mine. We were the only people from our team/squad in this class. I chucked a piece of paper on to her desk and she looked at me before carefully opening it. I had asked her if she wanted to come over tonight. She looked at me sorrily before passing the paper back over.

Sorry, Kieran's making up for the other night. We're going out :(

I hated Kieran, I really did. Maddie knew it too. He was such an asshole. This was our last class of the day thank god because I planned on talking to Maddie after it. I wrote a note telling her to meet me outside the locker rooms. If anyone saw us it would be coach Matthews but he wouldn't care. He came to this school three years ago and he thinks the rule is stupid and doesn't care if he catches us talking to as it's been put 'the enemy'. She nodded and just as she did the bell rang. We both stood up, grabbing our stuff and leaving. I purposely pushed pass her to get to my locker before heading towards the locker rooms.

"So, what's up?" She asked as she approached me.

"You and Kieran"

"What about us?"

"Just dump him already"

"Not this again, Luke" She started to turn away but I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back.

"Listen to me, Mads. He's bad news"

"Luke, you barely know him. We have the same conversation every time I'm scheduled to go out with him but you want to see me. I know you're just trying to protect me but I can handle myself"


"No, Luke. I'm going out with Kieran whether you like it or not" With that she walked off. I sighed and sat down on the bench.

"Bad day, Hemmings?" Coach said, coming onto the pitch.

"You could call it that"

"What's going on with you and the cheerleader?"

"Maddie? Nothing, we're just friends"

"Friends? Captain of the football team with a cheerleader? That's a complete violation of the rules Hemmings" He joked and I smiled slightly.

"I take it no one knows?"

"Only a couple of friends out of school, Michael Clifford being one of them"

"He was a lazy little s- kid" He stopped himself. I shrugged kind of agreeing. "I thought you guys were dating to be honest. You seemed so happy the other night"

"She has a boyfriend anyway"

"But you like her"

"What? No. Like I said we're just friends. Have been since middle school" He nodded, his face wearing a slight smirk. "I've got to go"

"Don't forget practice tomorrow, Hemmings" I nodded and left, walking to my car. Wow, I really needed to go see Maddie.

04 | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now