11 | Maddie

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"This is the first time that all five of us have hung out together" Ashton said, taking a sip from the beer in his hands. We were all at Michael's since it was Friday night and his parents are out of time for the weekend. And Ash was right. It was the first time since we all met that Calum, Michael, Ashton, Luke and I had all hung out.

"Well then, we need to make this a good night" Michael said.

"Anyway, Luke, I talked to the guys and Jordan said there was no chance of you getting back on that team"

"Don't worry about it, Cal"

"But you need it, the scout's coming in three weeks"

"I'm not sure I want to do football anyway. I mean I can't see myself doing it for the rest of my life"

"You should still try it though. You never know" He shrugged in response.

"So, what are we doing tonight? Well, apart from getting wasted" Michael asked and shouted the last part.

"Michael, calm down. We're not getting wasted. We all have work tomorrow" Ashton told him. He was right. He had work at the video shop like always. Calum helped out with the town football team and Luke worked in the music store. I worked at a coffee shop.

"You guys are no fun" He whined like a six year old."


"Are guys sure you don't want to stay longer?" Michael slurred/asked as Luke, Calum and I opened the front door so we could leave.

"Sorry, Mikey, we've got to get going" He then shrugged and walked off into his house.

"Ash, are you sure you're going to be alright with him by yourself?" Cal asked.

"I've coped with drunk Michael before. I can do it again"

"As long as you're sure. See ya later" I waved as we left. Calum lived the opposite way to Luke and I. We said our goodbyes before starting the other way. Luke lived only a five minute walk from Michael's. He slung his arm around my shoulders are we talked about random nonsense.

"Uh, Luke, we just passed your house" I pointed out to him.

"I know. I'm walking my beautiful and amazing girl home"

"Aren't you sweet?" He smiled slightly before pulling me closer.

"You're pretty great, Maddie, you know that right?"

"You never seem to stop telling me"

"That's because it's true" We had got to my house now. He walked me up to the door. "Do you not believe me?"

"It's hard to, Luke. It's hard when you don't see yourself as that amazing person everyone thinks"

"Do you really think that?" I nodded. "Madison, you are the most beautiful and wonderful girl I've ever met. Never forget that" He said. He brought my head up and leaned down. I sharply breathed in, analysing his face for any sign of his next move. He kissed my forehead because pulling back to look at me. "Seriously, you're amazing Maddie" He pulled me in for a hug, holding me tight like he was going to lose me.

"Bye, Luke" I said, once he let go of me.

"Bye, beautiful" He said as he walked back down the drive.

"Did you and Luke kiss?" I heard someone ask as soon as I closed the front door. I jumped slightly and turned to see Ben stood in front of me wearing his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pyjamas Luke had bought him for Christmas.

"No, we didn't"

"Did you want him to kiss you?"

"No, Ben. We're best friends, I've told you this. Anyway, you should be in bed, it's late" I took him upstairs and back to his room.

"Do you like Luke?" He asked as I tucked him in. I sighed.

"No, Ben"

"Are you sure you didn't want to kiss him?"

"I'm sure. We're just friends" I said, kissing his forehead and leaving the room, shutting the door and leaving the night light on.

I went into my room and sat on the bed, picking up the photo of Luke and I that sat on my beside table. It was from his grandfather's funeral. It may be a sad memory but I loved the photo. We both wore a small smile even in the circumstances. Luke had a suit on and I, a black dress. We looked like a couple. A couple. I leaned back against my headboard and put the picture down. I felt bad. Not only had I just lied to an eight year old. I'd been lying to myself.

04 | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now