07 | Luke

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I walked into the large hall, following my mum. It was her annual work party. I wouldn't exactly call it a party, it was more like a fancy dinner without the food.

"Mum, do you mind if I go find Maddie?" She gestured for me to go whilst she walked over to some colleagues. I spotted Maddie stood uncomfortably next to her mum. It was a coincidence that my mum and Maddie's met through the company and we met through school. I walked over to Maddie and tapped her shoulder.

"Mum, I'm going with Luke" Her mum nodded and we walked off to a sofa that was luckily unoccupied and was away from the main party, at the edge of the room.

"You look very handsome tonight, Hemmings" This was one of the only nights I ever dressed up. I had a white dress shirt on with a tie l had loosely done up and some slightly looser black jeans than my normal skinnies. I then put on my most descent black vans. I also went to the bother of styling my hair into it's signature quiff instead of shoving a snapback on it like I felt like doing.

"Well, you don't look bad yourself, Carter" She giggled and blushed slightly. "But seriously, you look beautiful" Maddie was always that girl that never needed to try hard, she just always looked great. Her hair was perfectly straightened and hung over her shoulders and back. She wore a simple cropped, striped jumper with a pinky skirt and some black boot heels. She just looked flawless.

"So, how have you been since the other night?" I asked. She knew what I was talking about. I hadn't had time to talk to her over the past week. Being the captain of the football team and pretty much a straight A student was hard to keep up with and Maddie's schedule wasn't much better either.

"Good actually" She said. "The dick hasn't stopped texting me though" She pulled her phone out of her bra. Something some guys might find weird but Maddie's been doing that for years and it no longer phases me.

"Why can't he just leave you alone?" I asked as she scrolled through her phone.

"Because he still loves me" She said and rolled her eyes at the statement she just made as she handed me the phone, letting me read his texts.

"Can't he just back off?" She laughed slightly before resting her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her neck/back.


"Luke, do any of Calum's parents work here?" Maddie asked randomly. We had relocated to a corner of the room where no one came over to talk to us and we could talk carelessly. I had my arm draped around hee neck still. It was almost natural to me.

"Um, I think his dad does. Why?"

"Because I think he's here" I turned around and there he was stood awkwardly with his parents and my mine.

"Shit. He's bound to see us"

"Luke, he's your best friend. Michael and Ashton are right, you need to tell him"


"He's your best friend. Friendships are built on trust" I nodded, knowing she was right. I sighed and looked back over at him. My mum was talking to him and pointing in our direction. I turned back around and took a deep breath. Maddie rubbed my arm reassuringly. I had no idea how he would react.

"Hey, Luke. You found a girl to chat up already?" Calum half shouted as he approached us.

"Hey Cal. You never said you were coming" I was stood in front of Maddie now, blocking her from Calum's view.

"Neither did you. So, anyway chatting up girls when you're practically fucking Madison" He tried to see past me.

"Speaking of Madison, Calum, meet Maddie" I moved to the side, letting him see Maddie at last.

"Wait, this is Madison?" I nodded. "As in Madison Carter, the cheerleader?" I nodded again.

"Calum, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's just this whole stupid rule thing" He nodded. I felt better for telling Calum. He deserved to know.


"So, how long have you guys been together?" We had gone back to sitting on the sofa in the corner. Calum said he wanted to sit down and take it all in. Also, Maddie's back was hurting from standing up.

"Oh, we're not together, just friends" Maddie told him.

"Really? Because the way Luke talks about you makes it seem as if you're more"

"We're just really close"

"Anyway, how long has this been going on?"

"Well, we met in middle school. I was new and Maddie was the only one from her elementary school. We bonded and became friends. We have been since. It kind of got messed up when we got to high school"

"Do Michael and Ashton know?" I nodded. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, Luke?"

"If anyone's going to get me kicked off the football team, it's you. You're vice captain. You're the person whose going to decide what to do if there's any question about my place on the team"

"I'm not going to kick you off the team, Luke. You're my best mate" He told me. "Anyway, you're kind of a cute couple, even though you're not. Plus, the rule's stupid anyway"

"So, you got our backs?"

"Yeah, you can trust me. Your secret's safe. If it gets out I promise it won't be from me"

"Thanks, Cal"

"So, Maddie, any of the other cheerleaders willing to hang out with a football player?"

"Sorry, Calum, you're out of luck. If the rule didn't exist, they'd love you I'm sure"

"Damn right they would" We laughed at Calum's comment.


"Madison Carter, hey?" I nodded at Calum. Maddie and her mum had just left. "You like her don't you?"

"Where'd you get that from?"

"Luke, you had your arm around her the whole night. You kissed her forehead and cheek. And I'm not even gonna get started with the texts I saw between you two the other day"

"Maddie and I are just friends, Cal. Nothing more, nothing less"

"Whatever you say, mate" He said before him and his family left. What an interesting night this has been.

04 | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now