09 | Madison

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This is a big chapter so enjoy :) xx

I walked into the school. Everyone was talking, whispering and pointing. I went to my locker, dumping my bag and grabbing the maths and history books I needed as well as my notebook.

As I walked into homeroom, I received the same looks.

"What's going on with everyone today?" I asked Maya, another member of the squad. She was one of my closest friends beside Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton.

"You'll find out soon enough" She replied, bluntly and turned away from me. Well, what crawled up her ass and died? I looked over at Luke who was only talking to Calum and that seemed to be barely happening. He shrugged at me and pointed to his back pocket which you could see his phone sticking out of. I nodded at him and sneakily took my phone from my pocket, resting it in my lap. I continued to text Luke until the end of homeroom.


"So, Maddie what's happening with you and dickhead?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, my head snapping towards the rest of the cheerleaders. It was lunch time and things were starting to become a lot clearer.

"You and Luke. You're hooking up with him, right?" Katie asked. I almost choked on my drink.

"That's what's going around anyway. Do we need to remind you of a certain rule?" Chelsea said, smirking. "Because last time I checked, hooking up with a football player was forbidden"

"Forbidden? Isn't that a bit strong?"

"Not if it gets the message across"

"People have called you a bitch several times and it hasn't got the message across. I think bitch is a bit strong personally"

"How dare you! I am the head cheerleader and I will not take this shit from someone so, so beneath me"

"Beneath you? Yeah, because you're just so fucking perfect"

"Well, we all know you're not. After all, you are hooking up with Hemmings? Or Luke, maybe Lukey. Is that what you call him? Lukey?"

"Shut the fuck up, Chelsea. I am not hooking up with Luke"

"Then what's this?" She showed me a photo of him hugging me. God, I could kill this bitch.

"That's me leaving his house. We're friends, we hugged. It's a lot less than what you and Jordan are doing"

"How the fuck do you know about that?"

"It's true then?"

"Fuck off"

"But you're not denying it"

"You're not denying you and Hemmings. For all we know you could be hooking up with him"

"You don't know shit. I just told you we're friends. We have been since middle school and to hell was I going to give up that friendship for a place on this squad"

"You know what, you have broke the code. This rule has stood since 1984. Madison whatever your middle name is Carter-"

"Chelsea, Maddie's one of our strongest members. Are you sure you want to do this?" Kayli interrupted.

"Kayli, this isn't the time" Chelsea snapped.

"I'm deputy head, this is the reason you have me. For stuff like this"

"Yes, but I'm head. I overrule you" She stopped and turned back to me. "Madison Carter, you are officially kicked off the Cedar high Panthers cheerleading squad"

"You know what, fuck you" I got up and walked away, pretty calm actually. I knew it would piss Chelsea off to the extreme. I walked over to the football team's table. Everyone knew so I didn't care. Luke saw me coming and gave me a look asking what the hell I was doing.

"Calum, did you do this?"

"No. I have no idea how word got out. It wasn't me, I promise. I promised both of you"

"You better not be lying, Hood"

"I'm not, Luke, back me up"

"He's not. We've already had this conversation" Luke told me. He patted the space next to him and I sat down. I couldn't care less right now. "Anyway, you alright? It looked like you were having a heated discussion with the queen bitch"

"Chelsea's a fucking little bitch and I want to - ugh. I don't even know what I want to do to her I'm that annoyed" I looked up to see all of the football team looking at me in shock.

"I thought everyone on the team worshiped Chelsea?" James asked.

"Not at all" I replied.

"Especially not this one" Luke said and they laughed a little bit. "So, what happened?"

"We yelled at each other a bit. She got annoyed. I kind of used a Sleeping With Sirens lyric on her and she kicked me off the team"

"So, she kicked you off the team for liking Sleeping With Sirens?"

"Yes, Luke. She has a huge hatred for Kellin Quinn. I'm so glad I have a friend which understands" I remarked.

"OK, so she kicked you off because you called her a little bitch?"

"I guess that's the summary"

"So, what lyric was it?" I rolled my eyes at Luke.

"You don't know shit. You know from Kick Me?" He nodded. "I nearly repeated it, like in the song. I didn't because it would sound weird"

"Should've" Luke said, before going back to eat his lunch.

"It's quite ironic though, don't you think?" I asked, Luke. He looks confused. "The songs called kick me and I just got kicked off the squad"

"Maybe you jinxed it"

Hope you liked it. Please comment, vote, follow and anything else you feel like. It means a lot. Also feel free to message me whenever. I love getting comments and hearing what you think so please do! And if you have any ideas message me :) xx

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