21 | Luke

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So, I think there's something I need to say quickly..... HOW AMAZING IS SHES KINDA HOT!?!!?! I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE REST OF THE ALBUM. I LISTENED TO SKH FOR OVER 2 HOURS ON REPEAT TODAY. Anyway, carry on.....

Today was the day. The championship game and the final game of the football season. We were all currently getting ready for the game.

"Hey, Cal?"


"Do you think we'll win?"

"We either win or we lose but we've got the best player in the district so I'd say our chances our pretty good" He nudged me whilst I rolled my eyes.

"We can do this" I mumbled to myself. I really needed Maddie right now. There wasn't much chance of me seeing her tonight though. I was just hoping she was in the first few rows. You see, for some reason which I don't quite understand, our district has this rule that at the championships there must be no cheerleaders from either teams. I don't know why but that's how it is. Therefore, they just came to support us as normal fans.

"10 minutes guys" Coach Williams said, coming into the locker rooms then going out again.

"Alright guys" I said, loudly, drawing my team mates attention. "We're gonna go out there with a positive attitude and we're gonna do our best to win this thing. We're seniors and this is the last game of the season. We're gonna go out there and play our damn best and make this a game to remember" Calum stood next to me, his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, Panthers. Lets do this shit" He shouted and we all cheered before grabbing our helmets and heading out to wait to be called onto the field.


It was half time and we were down 23 - 16. Not too bad. Nothing that can't be recovered. I was sat on the bench. I had been all night. I told coach to bench me till at least half time. I wanted to figure out the oppositions game plans if they had any. I'd picked out a couple but they'd only been used twice at the most. It was a hard game. And in all honesty I had a lot on my mind. Actually, it's not a lot, it's just Maddie. God, she's constantly on my mind. I don't even know how I feel about her anymore. Damn it, Luke. I need to get focused on this game. My thoughts were interupted by Cal. He walked off the grass field and came over to me, pulling me aside.

"Mate, we need you. When are you coming on?"

"Soon, alright. Listen, Cal, you've got this. You think I'm a great player but I wish you could see yourself play. You're amazing. You're better than me, Cal. I want you to go out there and crush those Bulldogs with or without me"

"Whatever you say, captain" He said, starting to walk back over to Kyle. "Oh, and thanks, Luke. I've always known I was better than you" He smirked and I rolled my eyes and as he walked off. I sat back on the bench and turned to see Maddie.

"Hey" She took a seat next to me. "Why aren't you playing?"

"Just trying to figure out their tactics, that's all"

"Really, Lucas?" She raised her eyebrows. Why must she know me so well? I nodded. "Because the Luke I know doesn't sit there and watch their tactics and plans, he plays and tackles them to stop their moves. Where's that Luke, huh?"

"OK, fine. I've got a lot on my mind"

"Care to share?"

"Not right now, but maybe later" I said. "Anyway, the game's starting again. Go get comfortable" I told her. She sighed and nodded, kissing my cheek before walking back up the steps to her seat.

"Luke, I'm putting you on in five minutes"

"Who's coming off?"

"Jordan. He's not as good as he once was" He was taking Jordan off. That was really going to piss him off.

"Come on, Luke" Liam said to me, patting my back a couple of times. He was another sub. He was a good guy. You'd never expect him to be on a football team that's for sure but the boy can run quick and he's got a strong throw. Coach signaled to the officials that I was going on. He stood against the sideline and waited. He was given and thumbs up before turning to look at me.

"Number four, you're up" Coach yelled to the bench. I stood up and walked over. He whispered in my ear as I passed. "Do it for the girl, Hemmings"

I pushed my helmet onto my head and smiled at the cheers coming from the crowd. I got into position and the game started. It was now or never. Do it for Maddie.


I threw the ball to Calum. If he scores this touchdown we win. The score had gotten close. It was now 41-38 to them. We needed this. I was quickly tackled but sat up to see Calum just get to the line and throw the ball down in victory. I stood up and ran over to him, hugging him. We were quickly joined by the rest of the team.

"I told you you could do it"

"I couldn't have done it without your throw though"

"We make a good team, Hood"

"You bet we do, Hemmings" He said. "Oh, don't forget the girl though" I broke away from the team hug without too much difficulty and looked to see everyone still in the stands or on the sidelines. Normally people had flocked onto the field. I noticed Maddie stood on the sideline, smiling like the idiot she is. I took my helmet off and placed it on the ground before running over to her and lifitng her up, finally placing my lips onto hers like I'd wanted to do for so long. Well, properly anyway. She kissed back and I smiled. We pulled away, both needing air.

"I love you, Madison Sydney Carter"

"I love you, Luke Robert Hemmings"

"I don't mean as a friend"

"Glad, we're on the same page" I smiled at her comment and wrapped my arm around her waist, turning to see the team stood in a line.

"Nice one, Hemmings"

"Luke, are we allowed to do that? I mean the rule-" I cut her off.

"There is no rule"

"What do you mean?"

"It's gone, Mads. I got rid of it" She smiled and kissed me.

+ I know it was yesterday but happy birthday Lucas Robert Hemmings

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