08 | Luke

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Sorry, I forgot to update. I've been busy with revising and everything. But anyways, enjoy (hopefully) :) xx

I walked down the dimly lit hallway. I saw Chelsea and her minions stood at the end of it by her locker. As I approached, I heard girls whispering and everyone looking as I neared her.

"Hemmings? What are you doing here?" She asked with disgust as I stood in front of her.

"Well, I need to talk to the head cheerleader and for some reason that's you" I replied and she rolled her eyes.

"Very funny, Hemmings. Now what do you want?"

"To talk about a certain rule" I heard a gasp from behind me and turned to see Katie and Ashley stood there. I raised my eyebrows and they turned around away from us.

"Uh, girls, I'll meet you in geometry" Chelsea said. The two girls muttered something before walking off. "What do you know?"

"What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about"

"Then why do you want to talk about the rule? How'd you find out about me and Jo-" She stopped.

"You and who?" I asked. Maybe this conversation was going to be more worthwhile than I thought.

"No one, ignore it"

"Really? Because it sounded you like you were going to say Jordan. Or maybe Josh?" I was 100% certain it was Jordan. He had acted weirdly at the game that night and putting the two events together made me certain.

"Shut up, Hemmings" She snapped. "Lets get back to what you want"

"The rule gone"

"Why? You got a crush on one of my squad? Because I can get you kicked off that team in an instant"

"No and even if I did, there's no rules about liking one of you" She rolled her eyes, knowing I was right.

"So, why? Why now?"

"Don't you want to be the year that go down in school history for banishing this fucking stupid rule?"

"I think it's good" She shrugged.

"Really? I don't believe that for shit. Especially, since you're hooking up with Jordan"

"Don't fucking accuse me of things that aren't true"

"Whatever you say" She rolled her eyes again. "Anyway, I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing this for our whole team. The only reason you don't like us is because of this damn rule"

"Well, I'm not budging. The rule stays and the only way you'll get it lifted is if I'm not head cheerleader and well, that's not gonna happen anytime soon"

"You realise that you're not the best person on the squad, right?"

"Nobody cares, Luke" She said and slammed her locker door shut before walking away. I sighed and continued on my walk to history. I was late but it's not like I'll get in trouble for it. It's the jock effect, kind of like the cheerleader effect. The cheerleader effect: when girls are in a group, they seem 10 times hotter than they are. The jock effect: we're the pride of the school, nobody cares if we fail a test or get to class with 20 minutes remaining. The cheerleader effect has never applied to Maddie though. She's the prettiest girl on the squad, maybe even the whole year.


"Hey, Luke, we heard you spoke to Chelsea" Danny said at lunch. Word had gone round about mine and Chelsea's conversation. Not much exciting happened at this school to be honest.

"Yeah, bad news guys. The rule's not going anywhere" I told them, as I placed my lunch tray on the table and sat down at the circular table.

"She's such a bitch" James said.

"So, what else did she say?" Taylor asked.

"She said that the only way we'll get rid of the rule is if she's not head cheerleader and I happen to know something that we can use against her"

"Spill, Hemmings because between us Jenny's been sneaking a look at me lately in Spanish and I would definitely hit that" Austin told us, making us laugh slightly. I looked around the table in search of Jordan. He wasn't here. I then looked over at the cheerleader's table and saw no Chelsea.

"I'm pretty sure that Jordan and Chelsea are hooking up"

"Where'd you get that from?" Kyle asked.

"Well, when I went to talk to Chelsea, she thought I was going to talk to her about her and a guy. She nearly said his name but she cut herself off. She said Jo. And after our game the other night, Jordan called her Chels instead but corrected himself. The only people whose names begin with a J O is Josh and Jordan and Josh values his place on this team too much"

"He can't keep his mouth shut either" Kyle said, nudging Josh next to him.

"But how are we going to get Chelsea off the squad?"

"Well, Jordan's too good to kick off the team but we could make it seem as if we're going to kick him off to everyone else" Calum said and we all nodded.

"We just have to get the cheerleaders to find out about Chelsea and Jordan but how?" James asked.

"Luke has contacts" Calum looked at me as he spoke. He winked and smirked at me.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll let them know" I told them and text Maddie telling her to come over tonight and if there was anything new going on with 'Little Miss Perfect'.


"So, you think there's something going on with Chelsea and Jordan?" I nodded just before she threw a piece of popcorn into my mouth. It started with half a bag of grapes but we ran out. "It would make sense based on what you've said"

"Do you think you can tell the rest of the cheerleaders?"

"Yeah, I don't think any of us like her anyway, even Katie and Ashley"

"OK, well, do what you can" She nodded. "Who's, like, vice head of the squad?"

"That's not a thing but we have a deputy head"

"Who's that?"


"I would've thought it was you. You're the best person on that squad"

"Thanks, but it doesn't bother me"


"I'd have given you a lift home if Jack hadn't borrowed my car" We were stood on my drive. Maddie was just leaving.

"Don't worry about it"

"So, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see ya" Maddie said, hugging me. I hugged her back before watching her walk down the drive. I waved as she walked along the pavement.

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