49. Unimaginable Story

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I dreamt of visiting the place where time and creations come from.
I dreamt of the most impossible things.

I've seen the unexplainable, the unimaginable, the unthinkable happen.

A place where everything comes from.

The matter, the space, the time...
The place where laws of the universe come from. The place outside of every law.

It's there that every single thought, feeling and work is constructed.

That place was the ultimate secret of something even bigger of our normal questions that we cannot answer.

When did all start, how and why?

This place woke up the questions I don't even know how to ask, there's no words or thoughts that can fully grasp what I saw.

Only way I know of it is through the memory.

Everything in the creation, in whole history of space and time was happening at once there, and anything could happen, there were no restrictions to your existence at all.

It was the purest form of existing.

I don't know what I saw, where I was or why I was there.

It looked like I got a sneak peak of...
everything that exists.

It is like I looked into the universe and felt the most unexplainable feeling ever.

I saw the biggiest events of the world like expansion of the space and things coming into creation and existence from that place... to the tinniest details such as creation of cells and grains of sands being placed across the universe at the exact spot they were meant to be.

The strangest animals I have never seen were there.
If someone told me to draw them, I wouldn't even know how to begin even though I have the picture in my head... it was so... unexplainable yet I understood everything that was happening there.

It was like someone unlocked the most secretive door and let me run around this garden of creation.

I will never forget what I have seen... a place of creation laws of physics or any other law... a place of no limitations... A purest form of creation of everything imaginable and unimaginable.

I expirienced concepts of existence that we have no words for..  nor proper thoughts that can grasp it.

No... it was not like I looked under the hood of the universe... it was like I was in the engine itself.
Like I saw what was happening inside.

Me being religious man I considered... was it a heaven? But no, it was not.
This was so much bigger, it was like being able to see thought process of God.

It was like he took me in and allowed to see the most unimaginable things that no one is supposed to see.

Thank You Lord, for answering my prayers...
giving me answers, keeping me safe and giving me comfort.
Thank You God, for the cross You've handed me.
Thank You, for allowing me to see You carrying it for me.
I am nothing but a parasite, yet You've given me so much and You've always answered when I called for You.

How come, that I, who am so unworthy of Your love had been given so much?

Had been allowed to see things no one else had.
Is it really enough just to ask?

I remember Your words... ask and it shall be given unto you...
knock and it shall be open unto you...
If you truly believe you can tell this mountain to move and it will move.

I remember those words, and after being blessed to see Your angels, and to see Your light come down onto me... to witness You on the cross dying for my sins.

I cannot help but bow down in tears of joy, knowing that You, my Lord shall be with me for the rest of my days.

Zbirka Bizarnostiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن