50. Darker Sky

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The King was certain of our victory. Our armies marched to meet our enemies in an open field for battle.
For few months we have been on campaign. We have ravaged and pillaged this land. We have killed or raped every man or woman that stood against us.
But now our enemies have gathered their forces and have finally found the courage to meet us in battle.
Our scouts report at least ten thousand men are about to face us. We are slightly outnumbered but our army is expirienced one. All of the men beside me have fought many battles. They are battle hardened.
Our enemy in the other hand gathers peasants and arms them with swords and spears. They are desparate to make a stand as we burn their homes and fuck their wives.

Finally, the King is setting up a formation.
Our archers are to be at the front of the army as they will fire volley of arrows on our foe. Once the enemy is close enough our archers will retreat behind lines of swordsmen who will stand in the center of the army. On our flanks spearmen will hold the line in case of the enemy cavarly charging around... and in our back, our mighty cavarly will be ready to act based on the circumstances of the battle. I personally stood in middle with a sword and shield in my hands.

And then... our enemy appeared on the horizon waving their banners high. The ground begun to shake as it awaited the clash of two armies.
Our king then marched to the frontline in his shiny armor and with his bodyguards by his side. He looked at his men, the hardest of the hard and said:

"Finally... for months we have waited for these cowards to come out of their holes and face us like real men. After this battle is over, their women will be our women! Their homes our homes! And most of all, their ale our ale!"
The armies cheered...
"Don't let these pig fuckers scare you with their numbers. Look at them! I have seen donkey's ass with more guts than this pathethic parade! Show them what real men can do!" -shouted the King.
The armies cheered once more.
"And now... wash your blades in their blood... spill their fucking guts and cut their throats! and after it's all over, their women will wash your big cocks with their mouth! To arms!"

The entire army was inspired by King's speech. It was time for battle.
The blood, the tears and the shit are about to come. I can feel the ground quake as it awaits to be soaked in blood.
Our archers went forwards and begun to shoot at our foe but they pressed forward and kept marching towards us. All of the sudden, the horns were being blasted by King's bodyguard. Something was happening and I wasn't sure what. Confusion spread among the ranks.
Some soldiers were saying there's a second army coming to our right flank.
"Good, more blood to spill!" -said one of the soldiers.
Soon it was clear. There really was a second army marching to our right.
The ground does not tremble under a peasant, but the soldiers. I knew these were not just some peasant as we believed. These were the armies of the foreign king. They were organized.
The army to our right was a smaller one, so the king gave out the order to turn our right flank and our cavarly towards them.
King decided to send them forward to prevent the risk of encirclement. Even our king understood by now, this is gonna be a tough battle.

"Archers! Fall back!" -shouted one of the commanders.
Enemy was closing in.
Faces of the soldiers beside me were uneasy ones. Tense and nervous. They expected it to be an easier fight.
At last, enemy frontline crashed against ours and intense fighting begun.
Slashing, trashing, stabbing, killing.
The smell of human guts filled the air... that old fimiliar smell. I felt every drop of blood and sweat that touched my skin. I noticed every soldiers face as they fell down in agony, bleeding to death or already dead.
The grass turned red and the skies turned black.

We are fighting for hours now, charging and retreating. breaking and chasing... Horns are blasting from every side. Cavarly charging from all sides... It is hard to tell who's winning, men are dying all around me.
The screams and cries echo through the frontlines and backlines all the same.
Our right flank had caved in and is falling back. Shortly after, my unit was cut off from the army and we had to retreat before enemies would encricle us.
The horns kept blasting and the cavarlies kept charging from every possible direction. It was chaos.
Our left flank was winning, the enemies were breaking and routing.
Smell of death dazed me as we kept running. Suddenly I realized my life had no purpose and death was closing in on us.

There was a village that we tried to run to as the enemy chased us.
"We must regroup with the army!" -shouted one of the soldiers.
We fortified in the village instead. There was no way of regrouping as enemy cavarly would charge in and out cutting us down one by one eventually leaving us to the footmen to finish us off.
They charged into our line as we waited in formation for our cavarly to charge in and help us. We needed reinforcements and the king surely knew as we kept our banner high.
We kept on fighting the enemy, slowly but surely pushing them back out of the village.
When out of the sudden an arrow pierced through my chest. The sky got darker and I fell on my back.
The sensation was painful, but not for long... soon it turned peaceful and then... nothing.

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