28. Old Beast

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There you are thinking you guys gonna be close forever. Always talk and laugh, watch movies, shows. Be supportive, kind, loving, and protect each other from the nasty things aimed at you by other people. Have each others back regardless of situation.
Maybe you would grow up to be neighbours someday. Create your families and gather around the table on sunday evenings for dinners. Plan out vacations where to take both of our families.
Watch your kids play together in backyard while you two smoke fat cigars on porch... nah. Doesn't work like that.
One day you wake up and your best friend is gone. Things have changed. The person you wanted there forever is gone forever. How ironic.

Such loss ignites rage inside you that you have put aside long ago. The awakening of old berserkir. Your emotions fade and you do not care. There's blood in your eyes. All you see is red. You want to go for revenge. You feel beast inside you growling for blood. Old part of you that was buried so much time ago is seeing light of the day again.

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