Chapter 4

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As Heeseung heard about Sunghoon's concerns, he was able to arrive at a conclusion that his friend is basically responding from the trauma he got from his past relationships.

"Uhm, Sunghoon. Basing from what you just said. I really think Wayne wants to handle his problems personally and doesn't want you to get dragged with it. But of course, it isn't right with him to say those things to you considering it wasn't your fault. He probably didn't mean all of those." Heeseung replied.

"Yeah, I know but isn't it so weird for him to severe our communication so abruptly? Like this is the biggest fight we ever had. I'm kinda worried." Sunghoon said his concerns.

"You have to speak to him in order for you to know his reasons. We can only guess what is it but he's the answer for all of your inquiries. Well, I hope that he'll come around eventually since it's 2 days away from your monthsary." Heeseung replied.

"I don't know Heeseung. It feels like he became distant for some reason. I'm tired of it all. In the end, I'll be the one left alone." Sunghoon said with a teary eyes.

Heeseung went silent. He knows how Sunghoon has always been giving one hundred percent of his time, love, and kindness. He was never a person who settles in mediocracy.

"I'm starting to believe that love isn't real." Sunghoon said while a tear escaped in his eyes.

"It is, you just have to look and it'll come." Heeseung consoled him.

"Why does kind guys like me always get played, used, and taken advantage? Is it really a turn off?" Sunghoon asked.

"No, it's their loss. You don't have to think that you lost them because in all honesty, they lost you. However, I think why you encountered so many shitty people is that the karma Jay from playing people went on you. Hahahaha." Heeseung cooled down the ambiance and cracked a joke.

Sunghoon just laughs a little from it. It was really a good choice asking Heeseung to come over. His anxiety have come to tone down. After their conversation, Heeseung went home and Sunghoon stayed at his bed laying flat, and looking at his ceiling pondering about the things he could do to celebrate his first monthsary ever.

It is his ever first monthsary and he would wish to make it memorable. So he starts planning on his head what to do and where to surprise him. He's planning to do a surprise at the back of his car where all the designs and cakes are placed with balloons.

----- Day before their monthsary----

Sunghoon immediately texted Wayne. "Good morning baby, I miss you so much. I hope you're doing well. Can we see each other tomorrow?"

To his surprise, Wayne texted back. "I'll try but I can't promise."

"Okay, but I'll expect that you'll still come baby." Sunghoon replied. His heart became cold from Wayne's response. "Did he forgot our monthsary?" He thought. After that, Wayne never replied again.

He just went on buying stuff needed for tomorrow's surprise despite feeling heavy and sad. He bought balloons, decorations, their photo cards, and a present. He'll just buy the cake tomorrow.

After buying everything else, he went on and started decorating the back of his car. He started to stick the balloons at the roof inside of his car with a matching Happy Monthsary letters attached between two opposite ends, and photo's are scattered.

Completing it, he decided to relax his mind before tomorrow. The sudden excitement creeps upon his insides. So he goes to a private beach resort with exclusive for members (all for the purpose of relaxing) He decided to go there alone and think about things.

As he got there, he plops himself to the sandy shores and started to eat a carrot cake he bought. As he sees the stars up in the sky, he couldn't help but to think. "Why does the world against me? Isn't it so unfair to be kind always and I get shit in return?"

Looking back at his life experiences, It gave him both trauma and lesson. Now if it happens again, he wouldn't know what to do. He's sure as hell he did the utmost of his effort to make things the best.

"If only someone could grant my wish then I would wish to be loved and cared genuinely." He thought.

He sips down his kiwi flavored soda drink and gets up while patting his pants laced with sand. Walking now towards his car, heading home to rest and relax for tomorrow's surprise.

As he got home in his condo, he stripped off his polo and his pants then wearing his comfort pj's. Laying down in his bed, deciding to text Wayne for the last time today before midnight.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I'll wait for you." Sunghoon texted him and his eyes fell asleep after that.

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