Chapter 11

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As Sunoo emptied the liquids, he wipes himself and faces a flustered Sunghoon. "What the hell are you staring at?" Sunoo asked passive aggressively.

"Nothing" Sunghoon replied and fixes himself.

"So okay, to answer all of your questions. First, When you wish that Jungwon would be in love. I didn't mean he would be magically and out of the blue be in love with you. Second, to grant your wish I'm taking my human form to help you be with him and take your relationship further." Sunoo explained thoroughly.

"Huh? What the hell do you mean? So do you mean, your powers are fake?" Sunghoon asked.

"Bitch, do not ever call my powers fake and besides, my powers don't work like that. Now for starters, I have to get to know him and you." Sunoo replied with sass.

Sunghoon just nodded in response, still processing the information how his genie became human and decided to grant his wish by helping him.

"By the way, I'm staying at your place." Sunoo informed Sunghoon with confidence.

"WHAT?" Sunghoon shouted which attracted everyone's attention even the professor.

"Mr. Park, your shout interrupted the class. May I know the reason why?" The professor asked.

"Ah, I'm sorry prof. We're discussing about marginalized community. I just can't believe what we've discussed." Sunghoon lied in one breath.

"Well, I appreciate the effort but please keep your emotions in check." The professor replied.

Meanwhile Sunoo just giggled at Sunghoon being the hot seat of everyone's attention.

"I swear to god, Sunoo. You will get me trouble." Sunghoon said with furious.

Sunoo just stuck his tongue to tease the guy more and he succeeded.

It is now break time, Sunghoon is now panicking on how to introduce Sunoo. His friends has been with him throughout his life, you can say they are brothers with different mothers.

So introducing Sunoo out of the blue is kinda weird and will came off suspicious. He will get so many questions especially Jay. Knowing Jay, he will flirt on Sunoo. But that's not his main concern, he's afraid what to make as a reason.

He just can't blurt out that Sunoo's a genie. It will make seem he has lost his mind or somewhat has gone crazy for whatever reason they will assume.

"Sunoo, can you just go somewhere? My friends would freak out if they found out you are clinging on me out from nowhere." Sunghoon pleaded.

"Are you embarrassed of me? Fuck you jerk. You're ugly, I'm hot. If anything, I'm the one who should be embarrassed being with you." Sunoo retorted in sass.

Sunghoon didn't take the sassiness, he grabs Sunoo and goes into an empty classroom and locks the door. He pushes Sunoo into the door and closes their distance, only a few inches away. Cornering him.

"Now, do you still think I'm ugly?" Sunghoon said seductively as he closes their distance and stares intensively. Sunoo gulped down at the sight. He was just joking around and teasing the guy. He didn't really expect that he would show his dominance and tease back.

Sunoo could only nod from the intense staring and tension. "Now, good boy. Let's go meet my friends, i'll let you decide what you want to say about us." He grabs Sunoo on the way to the cafeteria.

Jake, Jay, and Heeseung sits on the far back. They already have ordered their food for them and Sunghoon. They are just chatting around while waiting for Sunghoon.

Heeseung glances around and saw Sunghoon grabbing a young guy's hands. "Omg, bro. Is that Sunghoon grabbing someone. Look how hot the guy is." Heeseung checking Sunoo out.

Jay and Jake's eyes instantly goes around at the back. Looking at Sunghoon and a new guy. Jay on the inside couldn't help but to feel excited. It's been a first time feeling excited for someone. It is one of those moments that he genuinely is attracted to a person.

"I'm asking him out." Jay spoke out of the blue.

"What the fuck?" Jake intervened. He wasn't sure as where is this coming from.

"Are you fucking serious? you Jay Park asking someone out? I thought you're just into flings?" Heeseung said.

"Not anymore." Jay replied as he fixated his eyes on the guy Sunghoon brought.

"Guys, what's up." Sunghoon spoke first clearing the air.

"Who's that?" Heeseung asked first. Meanwhile Jay on the other hand didn't even speak, he just stared at Sunoo the entire time.

"Ah, by the way. This is Sunoo, Kim. He's my-"
He is interrupted by Sunoo.

"Tutor. I'm his tutor for the whole year." Sunoo lied in one breath.

"Wait, I'm confused. Tutor for what?" Jake asked.

Sunghoon instantly panicked as to what to answer. His mind has gone blank at this moment. He couldn't think of any answer.

"Tutor for sexy stuffs." Sunoo teased his friends.

"What the fuck?" Jay's first words to Sunoo is swearing. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Hmmm, you're cute. Do you want me to tutor you?" Sunoo said seductively.

Jay instantly feels flustered. He didn't expect this guy to be flirty as hell. Where did Sunghoon found this guy.

"Of course!" Jay answered instantly with excitement. Which only earned him a laughs from his two friends.

"Enough of this shit. It's not like that. He's my tutor for something else. Don't think such dirty thoughts." Sunghoon butted in.

They went to sit and introduce theirselves to each other. Sunoo came to understanding that they were childhood friends that's why Sunghoon was really skeptical on introducing him.

"Ah, Sunoo. What do you want. I'll buy it for you." Jay said.

"Is it okay? I'm kinda embarrassed letting you treat me." Sunoo lied again in one breath. He wasn't embarrassed, not even an ounce. He just said it to make it seem genuine.

No, it's okay. I have money. Just say what you want. I'll buy it for you." Jay said smilingly.

"Then, I'll have one set of chicken wings, with a side of caesar salad, a two slices of pepperoni pizza, a strawberry cake, and a two strawberry slushies." Sunoo said without any hesitation.

Sunghoon could only face palmed himself from the embarrassment while his friends especially Jay is amused from Sunoo's stomach.

"Can your stomach really handle that amount of foods?" Heeseung asked genuinely.

"Yes." Sunoo replied honestly.

"Wow." Jake muttered in even more amused tone.

"No, just order a slice of carrot cake and water. He'll have that." Sunghoon protest from Sunoo's excessive order.

"No!" Sunoo shouted which gained nearby tables and people.

"Shut the hell up Sunghoon. I'll order everything he said. Just wait Sunoo. I'll get everything you want." Jay butted in and left.

Sunghoon could only sigh in defeat from Sunoo's temper and sassiness. "This genie is really a spoil brat. He thinks that what Sunoo wants Sunoo gets." Sunghoon thought.

After Jay bought everything, they started eating. But before that, Sunoo thanked Jay for the food he bought. Jake, Heeseung, and Sunghoon were talking about stuff. Meanwhile, Jay is eating lightly while staring at Sunoo gulping down a large amount of foods in front of him.

He is silently eating the whole order Jay bought for him. Almost everyone stared at Sunoo on how he gobbled all the foods in one sitting. Sunghoon immediately concluded at this moment that Sunoo is a troublemaker.

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