Chapter 21

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Sunoo's soul entered on the great tree. He began to see the light. He doesn't have any idea what is happening on the outside. All he knows is that he's transported into some kind of portal.

"Sunoo. I know what you've been through. So I'm giving you a light punishment. Since you've been pampered and your wishes have always been granted since you were a child. I will give you this task." The creator one spoke.

"What is it?" Sunoo asked.

"You will become a genie. A genie that will grant wishes that came from a genuine human heart. Only one in 10 years. This is to repent for the blood you spilled on the holy great tree. I will only decided if you're deed has been paid back." The creator one spoke.

"I accept the creator." Sunoo replied.


"And that's what happened to me." Sunoo narrated the story to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon immediately went in awe how Sunoo went through all of that. He couldn't imagine that Sunoo was a product of wickedness and manipulation. Although Sunghoon thinks that he also had mistakes but as a human, we all are not perfect.

But what makes him in awe to Sunoo is that he didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself to his siblings. Despite the lack of affectionate brother love, he still didn't lack the empathy, sympathy, and love for family.

"I'm sorry, you had to go through that. I should've not asked. Now I feel bad." Sunghoon replied.

"It's okay. It's been ages since it happened. What happens now is that I'll pay my deed back and I'll might have the chance to live again in this body and time." Sunoo said.

Their conversation was cut off when another male server went to serve their dishes. They started to eat and talks light topics such as school and Jungwon stuff.

After eating a big amount of foods, Sunghoon and Sunoo decided to stay for a moment to relax and to breathe a salty air for a new experience.

After a while, Sunoo started to feel uneasy and ill. He can't quite tick but it's starting to get itchy around his hands towards his arms. Sunghoon immediately knew that this was allergic reaction.

He immediately went to ask for the manager and asked if there were any drugs that are specific for allergic to seafoods. Gladly, the restaurant have stock with it and gave it to Sunghoon.

Sunoo drinks the pill and rest for a while to recover.

"Let's just go home and end our date today. I already had fun. We can just continue our date to the other day." Sunghoon said.

Sunoo immediately shakes his head. "No, let me rest for a while and we'll continue. You prepared a lot for this and I'm not letting this illness ruin it."

Sunghoon nods his head. If Sunoo wants to continue then they will. They went to the car and Sunghoon turned on the AC.

"Are you really sure we're going? we could just bail out and go for the next day." Sunghoon clarified.

"No, I'll just sleep. You drive." Sunoo replied as he takes off his rest.

Sunghoon started to drive on the way to their next destination. Since it is kinda far, it's good cause Sunoo can have an ample rest before arriving.


Arriving at the fourth date. Sunghoon wakes up Sunoo lightly. He shakes his body timidly with a bit of gentleness. "Hey, Sunoo. We're here."

Sunoo opens his eyes and gets back energetic. "Yeah, thanks for the power nap!" Sunoo replied.

They got out and went in into an ice cream parlor. It is very big and high maintenance Ice cream parlor. It isn't your typical ice cream shop where flavors are limited and add-on's has few varieties.

Sunghoon decided to bring Sunoo here, it's because Ice cream are one of the best ways to soothe people when facing with pain. Hearing Sunoo's story and his allergic reaction. Sunghoon felt like what they need more today is getting to know each other. Then what way other than sharing stories with a flavorful ice cream on a hand.

"What flavors would you pick?" The attendant said.

Sunoo already thought what he wanted. "I want Ice cream strawberry on the largest cup and additional with each and every." Sunoo said.

"And for you sir?" The attendant asked.

"I would like java chocolate chip with oreo tidbits in a large cup." Sunghoon kept his order simple.

They went to sit in a vacant table.

"What the hell did you think putting every stuff on your strawberry ice cream?" Sunghoon asked.

"Can you shut the fuck up and mind your own business. I wouldn't judge my taste when you got an additional oreo cookies. A typical taste, I see!" Sunoo retorted back with sass.

"The fuck are you talking about. My java chocolate chip is better than your strawberry or whatever the fuck it is." Sunghoon retorted back with the same level.

"Huh? Then let's do a survey. Excuse me, The manager. Which one is better java chocolate chip or my strawberry ice cream?" Sunoo shouted. Even though it's kinda rude to shout at this place, Sunoo doesn't care about any of that stuff. He just want to beat Sunghoon and to embarrass the hell out of him.

Sunghoon instantly glanced at the confused manager who's shaking from the sudden tension between Sunoo's pouting and Sunghoon's stares.

"I'll triple the price if you say java chocolate chip!" Sunghoon shouted.

"I'll-" Sunoo was stuttering. He wasn't sure what kind of bargain he should give to the manager.

"Then, I'll give you a kiss." Sunoo said which shocked the whole place. The kids, the parents, the staff, and Sunghoon.

"What the fuck is this genie thinking? Is he going to kiss the manager if he won? Hell, no way!" Sunghoon thought.

"I'll triple triple the price." Sunghoon replied.

The manager was too stunned too speak.

Despite the manager likes being kissed by a literal cute petite and young guy. He is more business minded. So he chose Sunghoon's bargain.

"The better ice cream is Java chocolate chip!" The manager said.

Sunghoon instantly sighed in relief that Sunoo won't kiss the manager and cheered that he won. Meanwhile, Sunoo is pouting his lips because he lost. He couldn't believe that he lost.

But to comfort Sunoo, the manager announced something. "Anyway, you young gentleman who likes strawberry ice cream would be free the next time you're here."

Everyone clapped and cheered. Sunoo couldn't contain his laugh while Sunghoon just stared at the genie.

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