Chapter 34

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It definitely took some time, a month rather to win Jungwon's heart. It wasn't easy but it also wasn't difficult. Sunghoon just thought everytime that he's only doing this for Sunoo.

One might think that he's bastard for using Jungwon but after all what he's experienced. He wants to be selfish right now. He wants to get what he wants.

After winning Jungwon's heart. He went back to his condo. A place where he felt alone for the past month. A place that was once bright.

Sunghoon started to place Sunoo's things back in it's proper place. He began sorting out Sunoo's clothes. He started to put his toothbrush, his favorite body soap, his things.

He did this to welcome him.

After doing that, he goes to complete the final step. It's to call Sunoo out. He gets the ruby and sits on the couch. "Sunoo? Are you there?" Sunghoon called out.

"Sunoo, can you come out now? I have to say something." Sunghoon said on the ruby.

Sunoo suddenly popped out of nowhere sitting on the couch facing Sunghoon. "Hey." Sunoo greeted weakly.

"Hi, how have you been there? Did you eat already? I can prepare something right now." Sunghoon inquired. He was missing Sunoo big time.

Sunoo shakes his head. Sunghoon was about to walk to prepare him a breakfast but Sunoo stopped him. "Stay, talk what you have to talk."

"Uhm, how do I say this. I know our moments have not always been the greatest but I deeply know, you cared for me. You genuinely cares for me. But my wish has been granted. I won his heart Sunoo. I won his heart for you." Sunghoon teary-eyed said.

Sunoo immediately hugs Sunghoon. A tight one. "I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy for the both of you." Sunoo said faking his true feelings. Over the past month inside the ring. All his thoughts centered on Sunghoon. It was a short time, but memorable at some angles.

He never forgot Sunghoon, it even made his feelings stronger missing him more. Made him think and want him. "If only there was a way to solve things without hurting each other." Sunoo thought while he was in the ring.

"Are you back for real now? You wouldn't leave me now?" Sunghoon asked.

"I won't. Didn't I promise to stay with you after your wish has been granted?" Sunoo replied.

"I'm so glad." Sunghoon exclaimed excitedly as he kisses Sunoo on his lips.

Sunoo intertwines Sunghoon's hand and looks at him seriously. "Can you grant my wish now?" Sunoo asked him.

"Anything you want. Even if you ask me to move the mountain, to catch the stars, to part the ocean. I would do it for you." Sunghoon replied as he kisses Sunoo between each phrases.

"No, It's only simple." Sunoo said.

Sunghoon closes their distance. "Tell me anything."

"Can we be a couple just for One day?" Sunoo asked.

"Why are you making it seem like, we're going to be a couple for only a day. You're scaring me." Sunghoon replied anxiously.

Sunoo kisses Sunghoon and caresses his face. "You don't have to be scared. I'm gonna be always with you." Sunoo said.

"In that case, the first thing we need to do as a couple is to cook together." Sunghoon immediately grabs Sunoo's hands on the way to kitchen.

"Now what shall we make?" Sunghoon asked.

"How about making my buttered garlic pasta again which you refused to eat when I made it for hours you damn fucker." Sunoo replied with sass.

"That's my baby. I like my baby, my sassy baby is back. Let's go." Sunghoon excitedly exclaimed.

"Now pass me the damn garlic." Sunoo commanded as he grabs the chopping board and the knife.

"Say it again with baby, please. or else I'll not give the damn garlic." Sunghoon threatened.

"Damn, you're really making my nerves fucked up." Sunoo replied as he starts to get the onions himself.

But instantly he is blocked by Sunghoon. "Say it again with a baby please and I'll give it to you. Isn't it so easy baby?" Sunghoon teased.

Sunoo just gave in. "Pass me the damn garlic baby please."

"I need it sweeter and longer." Sunghoon pleaded.

"Fine, Now pass me the damn garlic babyyyy pleaaaaaaseeee." Sunoo cutely said.

Sunghoon kissed his cheeks unexpectedly and gave him the garlic.

Sunoo just hits him light on his biceps. He started preparing the dish. It's been a month since he last cooked the pasta. "I'm afraid it would taste different that what I used to make." Sunoo raised up his concern.

"Don't worry, I'm here to guide you." Sunghoon whispers on his ear, as he grabs Sunoo's hands and guided him what to do.

Sunoo is completely immersed by Sunghoon's creativity and skill. Meanwhile, the latter enjoyed every moment they made the pasta.

They serve it on a single plate and sits down beside each other. "Time to taste test." Sunoo exclaimed excitedly.

"Wait." Sunghoon said.

"What?" Sunoo asked.

"Shouldn't we french kiss before we eat the pasta?" Sunghoon teasing Sunoo.

"Should I fucking stab your eyes with the fork? I'm fucking hungry and you wanna make out? Not on my damn pasta!" Sunoo intensified the last part.

Sunghoon just laughs at how he misses Sunoo's banters and retorts. They both started eating the pasta they both made, or Sunghoon mostly made and they like it.

"Who's going to wash the dishes?" Sunoo asked.

"Can we both do it? I swear to god, you haven't touched a single dish here in our unit." Sunghoon replied.

"No man can ever make me wash the dishes." Sunoo said.

But then, Sunoo is washing the dishes. Only because Sunghoon threatened him if he won't then they will make out the entire day, and he won't ever stop.

"Fuck you so much Sunghoon. I'm not touching a single dish again after this." Sunoo said in annoyed tone.

"It's a win-win for me baby. I'll gladly do the dishes if you agree to it." Sunghoon winked.

Sunoo tired of Sunghoon's pestering. He decided to splash him with water and detergent soap. "What the hell!" Sunghoon could only look in shock while Sunoo is laughing his ass out.

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