Chapter 13

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"Morning" Sunoo said to Sunghoon. Waking him up. Luckily, it wakes Sunghoon up.

"Why are you up early? You know we're not going to class right?" Sunghoon asked.

Sunoo started to sweat in his forehead profusely, he can't hide what he had just done.
"Why are you sweating?" Sunghoon wiped Sunoo's forehead because it's starting to tick him how he's sweating despite the AC being on.

"Uhm, there's been a situation." Sunoo replied timidly.

"What situation?" Sunghoon asked with a hunch that a bad thing has happened.

"You will see it when you go to the kitchen." Sunoo replied.

Sunghoon immediately went to the kitchen and his eyes has instantly dropped the moment he laid upon a dirty, messy, and broken kitchen. All of the utensils are scattered, while the oil is splashed around some places and some things are damaged.

"What the fuck happened here?" Sunghoon asked angrily. Sunoo is the only person who has tested his patience time and time again.

"I'm sorry okay! I'm being thoughtful and I thought I should make you breakfast and It didn't come out as I was expecting. Here try this." Sunoo handed him a burnt eggs and bacon plus uncooked rice and a coffee with a lots of creamer.

Sunghoon just calmed his self because his kitchen is one of his favorite place and Sunoo just desecrated it. "FUCK!" Sunghoon shouted which shock Sunoo.

Sunghoon went to his room to vent his anger. Despite being angry at Sunoo, he just can't say some hurtful things because first, he's a genie and last, he just wanted to make breakfast. After his tantrum, Sunghoon went back to the kitchen and saw Sunoo crying.

He immediately went to Sunoo and comforted him. "I'm sorry if I made you cry. It's just that I'm specifically keen when it comes to my kitchen and I really hate it being ruined. I know you only want to give me breakfast and I appreciated it. Next time, I'll always cook for us okay? Now, we'll eat breakfast outside." Sunghoon said.

Sunoo calmed down and nodded in response. "Okay, Sunghoon. I'm sorry. I'll take a bath."

Sunghoon called the maintenance and asked for help while they're going out. As soon as they both done changing. They both went out to go at a shopping mall. Meanwhile, Sunoo is still worried how he basically destroyed Sunghoon's kitchen only with good intentions.

When they arrive at the shopping mall, Sunghoon grabs the genie's hands guiding him from the shopping mall. They first went to a clothing boutique. "Sir, we have different varieties of clothes. Which colors or styles do both of you prefer?" The female attendant said.

"I want it in his size, any colors would do but mainly, I want to see pastel colors on him. Styles like tees, collars, without collars, printed, plain, and long-sleeves. I'll take it all. Plus, can you get him also 10 sets of pj's. The design would be on him." Sunghoon replied which shock both Sunoo and the female attendant.

"Are you really buying it all for me?" Sunoo asked while winking seductively.

"Yes, Now go with her. I'll wait here. But just be faster cause we still have to buy a lot of things and eat brunch." Sunghoon replied.

Meanwhile, Sunoo hearing those words from him. His worries and thoughts instantly left and went to the female attendant with high spirits.

The female attendant picked a lot of stuff from shelves to shelves. He often changes different outfits. Until they got to pj's section. Sunghoon's orders were to pick pj's according to Sunoo's taste.

"Sir, what would you like as a pj's? We have printed styles such as leopard, cheetah, or any animal. Plus, we also have plain designs such as plain pastel colors." The female attendant informed.

"Nah, I don't want that. I want a cartoon design." Sunoo replied.

"Okay, we can have that. What cartoon characters do you like?" The female attendant asked.

"PEPPA PIG, I want peppa!" Sunoo replied which again shock the female attendant the second time. I mean, she has never encountered someone who is age like Sunoo wanting to have a peppa pig design pj's.

"Okay sir, we have that one. It'll be 10 pieces right. Lemme just take care all of the items. Please wait on the counter." The female attendant went to sort all of the stuffs.

Sunoo went back on Sunghoon at the counter. "Are you done?" He asked to the guy.

"Yes." Sunoo answered.

When the female attendant came at the counter, Sunghoon instantly saw the peppa pig design pj's and he was madly laughing about it.

Sunghoon nearly cried his eyes out due to laughing. "What the fuck Sunoo. How can you pick peppa pig."

"I fucking like it? Besides, it's not for you." Sunoo retorted with medium sassiness. He couldn't just speak with full-force attitude knowing Sunghoon is paying all of his stuffs right now.

Sunghoon patted Sunoo's head to console him for teasing. After they paid the stuff, they went to another store to another store to another store until they went to every possible store they can.

Until their stomach decided it's time to eat. Sunghoon and Sunoo went to eat. As their steak are served, they began eating. Sunoo opens up about the Jungwon topic.

"Sunghoon, I'll start texting him today. Since you bought me a phone then I'll use it to it's full extent." Sunoo said.

"What? How did you get his number?" Sunghoon asked clueless.

"Just don't pry, I have connections." Sunoo replied teasingly.

Sunghoon is really curious on what connections Sunoo is talking about. "Did he use his powers? or he has some magical friends that helped him?" He thought.

"Well, just don't make it so obvious that I'm not you, okay. Just stick to the main topic and share what you want to share about me." Sunghoon said.

"But I really don't know about you." Sunoo replied.

Sunghoon thought about it carefully. He just can't tell things to Sunoo. He needs to explain it thoroughly for him to understand and one thing to show it, is- A DATE.

"Let's have a date! Let's get to know each other first, so that you will know me more and you'll have the information on how I act and speak. So that it would be easier for you to text about Jungwon." Sunghoon said.

Sunoo nodded in response.

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