Chapter 32

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They both arrived in a private resort Jay knew. They instantly got in and went to plops themselves in the sand. Jay puts three bottles of liquor plus their not so healthy dinner and chips.

"Sunoo, would you want to eat first or drink first? I prefer you would eat first." Jay said.

"Let's do both!" Sunoo suggested while laughing.

"Are you fucking serious? Okay!" Jay laughs with him.

Sunoo took a big bite on the burger and chugs a tequila. "Woah, this is some fire shit." Sunoo exclaimed.

"Now, slow down cute guy. I don't want to drive drunk." Jay replied.

"Cute guy? You fucking kidding me? I'm not a cute guy. I'm a goddess." Sunoo laughingly said.

"Are you really this crazy with everyone? I live for this." Jay asked.

"Nope. I'm just like this for someone I'm close with." Sunoo replied.

"So you mean to tell me, you're close with me. Now that's more I like it." Jay said confidently.

"Now, I just said it because I owe you the money for the meal." Sunoo jokingly replied while pouting.

"Stop pouting. I know, you like to be close with me." Jay said narcissistically.

"You know what Jay, they say players are the most romantic fake people. How do you do that?" Sunoo inquired.

"You want to see how I actually flirt?" Jay said seductively.

Sunoo finishes his burger and chugs 5 straight tequila glass. He's getting tipsy. Jay just waited on Sunoo's reply while chugging the same amount of tequila glass.

"Can you show me how players flirt?" Sunoo suddenly replied.

Jay looks at Sunoo seductively, he began to trace his face to his neck, to his shoulders, until Jay's fingers traveled on Sunoo's armpits and decided to tickle him.

"Stop, stop. Hahahaha. Fuck you Jay." Sunoo struggled with Jay's tickle. Jay decided to top Sunoo and tickle his opposite side on his waist.

Sunoo laughs even more and squirms below Jay. "I swear to god Jay, I'll kick your balls after this." Sunoo threatened jokingly.

"No!" Jay replied.

Jay stopped tickling him but he didn't move from Sunoo's position. He's still on top Sunoo's body.

"Now show me how a player flirts." Sunoo commanded seductively.

Jay pushes Sunoo's hair back and kisses his forehead.

"You don't need to see how I flirt like a player, that's something I wouldn't show you especially as precious as you. You don't deserve to be played." Jay said genuinely and kissed his forehead again.

Tears escaped from Sunoo's eyes. "What's wrong with you?" Jay asked while getting Sunoo up from laying.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I can't do this anymore. I get hurt every single time I see him with someone." Sunoo burst out his emotions.

"So you already have someone you like?" Jay asked bitterly.

Sunoo nod in response. "Before you tell me, I'll confess first. I like you Sunoo. I don't know when it started but you make my heart race. The way you smile, the way you act sass, your pout, your cute angry, everything you do. It makes me flutter." Jay confessed genuinely.

"Aren't you just playing me right now? or perhaps, you just saw something different in me that makes you thought I'm interesting." Sunoo deflected the confession. He didn't expected Jay's sudden confession.

Jay clamps Sunoo's hands and intertwined it with his. "I wouldn't do that to you ever. I swear to god, I haven't felt this connection in my life. If you give me a chance, I'll prove it to you." Jay said affectionately.

"I would love to. But-" Sunoo replied.

"But?" Jay asked dejectedly.

"I'm in love with someone." Sunoo replied dispirited.

"Do I know him?" Jay asked.

"You do." Sunoo replied timidly.

"I think I know who you're talking about." Jay said.

Sunoo closes their distance together. "I'm sure you do."

"Why? What happened if I may ask?" Jay asked.

"It's a long story. But he and I can't be together. As the same as you and I." Sunoo replied.

"Why? Is there some reason why you can't be with us?" Jay asked.

The creator one has bestowed Sunoo a one time power, wherein he has the decision to reveal who he is to one human. Sunoo decided to use it to Jay.

"Really? You're a genie? I mean, it's true that your beauty is unusual but I didn't expect it. Now I know why Sunghoon introduced you as his tutor. It really does seem sketchy." Jay said.

"You know what's sketchy? You saying my beauty is unusual like what the fuck? Hahaha." Sunoo replied with sass.

"I meant it in positive, good, best way! It explains why I'm so attracted to you. You're different." Jay said defending his self.

"So what do you think? Do you still like me despite knowing I'm a genie? Sunoo asked.

"I'm sorry." Jay looked down dejectedly.

"I know. No one will like me after knowing I'm weird and not human. But you know what, I'm still happy I met you." Sunoo replied with a teary eyes.

"No, that's not what I meant." Jay said.

"Huh? What do you mean. You made me cry." Sunoo replied while crying.

"I'm sorry but I will never stop liking you. I don't care if you're a genie, a human, or an alien. You're Sunoo." Jay said as he wipes Sunoo's tears.

"Damn, you fucking scared me as hell. I thought you're going to leave the shit out of me here." Sunoo replied as he laughs his tears away.

"Nah, I won't leave you. You're my little genie now. But tell me about Sunghoon." Jay said.

"I don't wanna make it a big deal because these are only my feelings but I get hurt every time he's with Jungwon. I can't just be with him and break his wish. It's gonna cost me more than anything. I will never be a human again. I will forever live in a ruby ring." Sunoo leans in Jay's shoulder.

"I suggest you stay away from him. Give yourself a distance. That way, you'll both heal from each other's feelings. I'm not saying this because it's gonna turn out good for me. But for you to know that staying with him will only hurt you both." Jay replied.

"You're right. I should've distanced myself from him. I still can remember how he embarrassed me on the double date. I swear to god, fuck him so much." Sunoo exclaimed.

"So you wanna stay with me?" Jay excitedly asked.

"I'm staying at the ring." Sunoo replied.

"So you won't come out?" Jay asked.

"Only if you order me a pizza, chicken wings, burger, fries, soda, shake, and Ice cream." Sunoo jokingly replied as he gets up and pushes Jay on the sand and running after.

"Sunoo! Come back here you little naughty genie!" Jay shouted as he runs after Sunoo.

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