Chapter 28

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Jay drives Sunoo at Sunghoon's condo. As they arrived Sunoo hops off the car and walks inside the building.

He texted Jay. "Jay, thank you so much for yesterday and for the breakfast. I enjoyed the party."

"Sure, I'll just invite you when something comes up. I'm sure you'll come right?" Jay replied immediately.

"Probably. Hahaha." Sunoo texted.

When Sunoo is in the front door of Sunghoon's condo unit. He sneakily presses the code and went in silently. But what he didn't expect was Sunghoon eating at the table.

"Morning." Sunoo acted like nothing happened yesterday.

"Morning. Did you eat already?" Sunghoon asked.

"Yes, Jay gave me breakfast at his home." Sunoo replied.

"Well, I'm going out to buy some things for Jungwon. I can't cook for you in lunch and I'll eat out dinner. Just order anything you want." Sunghoon said coldly and went out after.

Sunoo can't explain the feeling. He feels uneasy and uncomfortable. He feels like Sunghoon's started changing unexpectedly.

Sunoo took a bath and went to sleep right after.

After sleeping for a couple of hours, Sunoo wakes up and missed lunch. It's already 4pm. His stomach is grumbling. He went to the couch and started thinking what to eat. He scrambles on the fridge. There's not one food. Only ingredients and he can't cook.

He finally decided to order online delivery. He ordered Pad Thai Noodles and dumplings. Not more than 10 minutes it arrived. He used Sunghoon's card to pay for it. He gobbles up the food while watching movie by himself.

He starts to feel the loneliness. The isolation between these 4 corners of walls. Maybe this is what Sunghoon felt living here alone.

He makes himself occupied by learning how to cook. He started to watch youtube and discovers how to cook certain dishes without starting a fire.

He keeps making mistakes, even burned his hands for touching mindlessly the pot. Regardless, if Sunoo kept on making mistake. He didn't give up. He still keeps on going.

Until around 8 am. He finally completed. It's buttered garlic pasta. He tasted a little amount and it tasted good. The satisfaction in his eyes is really clear. He smiling goes to the comfort room to get the band aid.

He puts the band aid over his five slightly burned fingers but still painful enough that it stings. After that, he went to the kitchen to serve the pasta on two plates. One for him and One for Sunghoon. As he continue to scoop. The door opened.

Revealing Sunghoon bringing a lot of stuff. "Evening!" Sunoo greeted him smilingly.

"Yeah." Sunghoon replied weakly.

"Buying so many stuff. Do you have something for me?" Sunoo cutely pleaded.

"Sorry. I forgot about you. I'll try next time. This shirt is for Jungwon and some stuff. The rest are mine." Sunghoon explained.

Sunoo can't help but feel disappointed. However, he didn't show it to his face. He still show his smiling face even though he's a bit sad.

"I cooked something. I want you to try. I practiced a lot today. So I need you to rate it. Hahahaha. I've been constantly working on it for hours. I hope you'll like it." Sunoo said diverting the topic.

"Didn't I tell you that I ate outside?" Sunghoon replied.

"Can't you just taste it a little or something. I've worked on it for us to try." Sunoo pleaded.

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