Chapter 8

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"That is fucking crazy, did you really do it Heeseung?" Sunghoon asked in disbelief. He still wasn't able to absorb the info.

"I don't know, I was boiling eggs and the next thing I know, a fire broke out in the kitchen! Gladly, I immediately put it out using fire extinguisher." Heeseung replied.

Sunghoon, Jake, and Jay just laughs about how ridiculous it is. "So I have something to tell." Sunghoon said out of the blue.

"What is it?" Heeseung pried into it.

"Well, I was late for my first class today and guess what? I have a new classmate sitting beside me." Sunghoon replied.

"The fuck we care about your new classmate?" Jay butted in sarcastically.

"Bro, he's my type?" Sunghoon asked rhetorically.

"No comment." Jake purses his lips and stayed silent.

"Now, I suggest get to know him first. We wouldn't want you crying back to us knowing he somehow turns out to be a shitty person - AGAIN." Heeseung added.

"But It's just a crush you know. Nothing big deal out of it. I'm not planning to pursue him right now, I just want to see if we're gonna click." Sunghoon replied.

Heeseung, Jay, and Jake just nodded in response. They just want the best out of Sunghoon and for it to happen, He needs to know and examine carefully if he's making the right decisions.

The break time is over, they went to their class separately and Sunghoon decided to pay attention to Jungwon. He kept on stealing glances to him. He badly wants to initiate a conversation and make a move but he still can't.

The trauma from his cumulative past relationships have come to hunt him every single time. It saddens him to know that it took an effect on him. An effect which is the fear of trying on a new relationship.


Over the past days, Sunghoon just kept on smiling and stealing glances at Jungwon. He never approached again the boy in the fear of what might happen.

"If only I had the guts to talk to him again, I certainly would." Sunghoon thought to himself.

So again and again, he just kept on asking someone in the class like his classmates to know Jungwon more without him knowing it.

"Bro, snap the fuck out of it and go for the gold." Jay said to him.

"I'm scared you know. I'm still not ready but I really like him. Over the past days I've seen him, everything about him is really cute." Sunghoon replied.

"Well you know what, if you're not going to make a move then someone will and you're gonna lose your chance." Heeseung added in the conversation.

"But hey, we shouldn't just force Sunghoon. I know that it's hard but the final say is all yours. Whatever decision you'll make, we'll always be there." Jake butted in.

"Thanks guys, I just felt like I'm not ready yet. Maybe I'll try the next day." Sunghoon replied.

"And what are you gonna do?" Jay asked curiously.

"I'm gonna find out what he likes secretly and possibly give it to him accidentally like I didn't know." Sunghoon smirked at his own idea.

"Great, so let us know what he likes then maybe we could help." Heeseung offered.

"No thanks, I wanna do it by myself." Sunghoon rejected the offer politely.

After that conversation, Sunghoon went to find specific someone who is close to Jungwon on daily basis. A girl named "Mariah" It is clear that Mariah and Jungwon are friends since they always hang out together everyday in class and out of the class.

Sunghoon basically went searching for Mariah everywhere. He kept on thinking where did this girl go. He went to ask her classmate, only to find out Mariah is absent. He asked for her number.

"Hey Mariah, it's me Sunghoon. I wonder if you got any time today?" Sunghoon texted without any hesitation.

Not more than 5 minutes, the girl replied. "Yo, I'm free on 5pm, where do you wanna meet?"

"Hm, it wouldn't take long so let's meet on the school? I got to ask something important." Sunghoon texted.

"Sure!" Mariah replied back.

After hours passed by, Sunghoon already informed Mariah that he would wait on the backside portion of the school where only few people comes. He wouldn't want everyone to misunderstand.

Mariah walks up to him. "Hey Sunghoon, I'm guessing you have to say something?" She spoke first.

"Ah yeah, please take a seat first." Sunghoon offered.

"Uhmm, No. I have somewhere to be and I would love just to get over this with. Hope you aren't offended." Mariah said bluntly.

"Sure, so first. I don't know if you've noticed but I took a liking on your friend Jungwon." Sunghoon revealed his secret.

"I figured." Mariah replied.

Sunghoon is shocked in disbelief. "Huh? What?" He said.

"I mean, you're clearly obvious the way you're looking at him. You're just lucky he is dense because anyone would totally think you're crushing on him big time the way you're looking at him." Mariah replied.

"Gosh, I didn't expected it to turn it this way. But anyway, back to the topic. I would like to get to know him. So I figured to ask him out but before that, I would like to know Jungwon's likes and dislikes." Sunghoon opens up his true intentions.

"Yeah sure, Jungwon dislikes is that he only hates people who steals things or person who doesn't like to ask consent before borrowing something. It's his pet-peeve." Mariah replied.

"And his likes?" Sunghoon asked.

"Well, mostly he likes basic stuffs like anime, poetry, and ballad songs but one thing he can't live without is his collection of ruby's. He certainly likes those stones or ruby's." Mariah replied.

"Wow, so do you think he would be happy if I gave him a ruby?" Sunghoon asked.

"Definitely, he will treat you the bestest of friends. Hell, you might even replace me as his bestfriend by giving him a ruby. Hahahaha." Mariah joked about it a bit.

"Thank you Mariah. You definitely helped me a lot today." Sunghoon said. Mariah just nodded and smiled in response and walks away.

Sunghoon thought what he's about to do. Then he remembered something. "Didn't I found a ruby ring last year on the shore?" He thought.

Sunghoon immediately remembered that he kept a red ruby ring last year when he was throwing a surprise on his ex. He smirked knowing that he'll give it to Jungwon.

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