Chapter 9

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Sunghoon immediately went home right after that, he wasted no time finding the ring. He didn't even change his clothes. He starts looking for it on his bedroom. The drawers, his closet, his bed but there wasn't any damn ring.

He goes at his living room and searched for it to the couch, coffee table, and even the crevices around it. He still couldn't find it. The last one would be to his bathroom. "Where the fuck is it!" Sunghoon muttered to his self.

He's getting frustrated because it's been two and half hours since he started looking for it and he still couldn't find it. After 5 minutes or more, he gave up. He isn't looking for a ruby ring which he could only buy at a store. Regardless the price, he can and he will buy it.

After that, he went to his room to change clothes and he decided to drink water since the searching dehydrated him. He opens the fridge and drinks it directly from the water bottle. From his anger, he decided to close the fridge harshly which then a clacking sound is heard.

He looks for the sound and found out that the ruby ring is on top of his fridge all the time. "Lmao, I've been searching for you all the time yet, you were here!" Sunghoon spoke to the ruby ring.

Then his mood got better and he ate his dinner. After that, he went to his bed and lays flatly on it. He texted his group chat with his friends to pass the good news.

"Guys, I have something to share." Sunghoon texted.

"Hmmm, we don't give a fuck." Jay replied.

"What the hell?" Sunghoon replied.

"Jay's just joking, spill it." Heeseung texted.

"Yeah, about Jungwon. I asked his friend Mariah about him." Sunghoon texted.

"and?" Jake replied timidly.

"Apparently, he likes to collect ruby's! Somehow when I was trashing on the ocean last year, I magically found a ruby on the shore. Isn't that amazing? I could give this to him the next day asking him out." Sunghoon replied.

"You are a fucking cheapskate. How could you give a ruby ring you found on the ocean last year to him." Jay texted.

"Truth, not that I'm against it but It's really better to buy a new one." Heeseung texted.

"You'll never know that shit might be cursed considering you found it out of nowhere in the middle of the shore." Jake texted.

"Okay, okay! I'll keep it to myself. But anyway, here's the ruby ring." Sunghoon sent a picture on their group chat.

Not more than seconds, his friends went on a rampage.

"What the hell! The ruby is so impressive. I'll buy that Sunghoon." Heeseung texted.

"I take back what I said, I'll never call you cheapskate again. Just please let me have it or we can negotiate with money." Jay texted.

"You know, I'm always your friend Sunghoon. I've stood by you every time. Maybe now is the moment to repay me by giving that to me." Jake texted jokingly with a hint of seriousness.

Sunghoon receiving those texts from his friend only made him think that he would never give up this ring. "Is this ring really beautiful? Why can't I see that? It's just a normal ruby red ring." Sunghoon thought. He can't possibly understand why his friends would fight to get this ring, when it's just a simple ring.

But Sunghoon's pettiness came through. Despite not liking the ring, he's one hundred percent sure that he won't give this up. As he stares at the red ruby ring shining from the reflection of light, he decided to wear it on his ring finger.

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