Chapter 33

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Sunoo goes into the car immediately but as he opens the door. He finds out it's locked. Jay immediately tackles him into the ground and tickles him again.

"I'm sorry Jay. Sorry! I won't do it again." Sunoo pleaded as he gasp for air and struggles.

"Can you grant me one wish?" Jay asked seriously.

"You know, I can only grant one wish for one decade. You have to wait for another decade. Which means you have to be 30+. Hahaha." Sunoo laughs.

"No, it's not that kind of wish." Jay replied.

"Shoot." Sunoo said.

"Can we act like a couple until you get home?" Jay asked.

Sunoo didn't hesitate to answer. Although he met Jay for a short time, he already has a soft spot for the guy.

Sunoo kisses Jay's cheeks. "Sure."

As they're heading home, Jay intertwines with Sunoo's left hand while steering the wheel on his right hand. He occasionally kisses it.

Sunoo opens the radio. "Fuck you, Fuck you very very much!" The radio blurted. Sunoo sings together with the radio while opening the window and getting his body halfway out while raising his hands together, feeling the air hitting his face.

Jay laughs while groping Sunoo's waist for safety. "Be careful, baby." Jay said.

"Fuck you Sunghoon! Fuck you all. Fuck you the creator-" Sunoo was about to say it but he immediately stopped.

Sunoo went back into his seat and laughs. "What are you laughing at?" Jay asked.

"I was about to curse the creator one. I'm glad I didn't cause I'll be damn mad If he forbids me to be a human again." Sunoo replied.

Jay just laughs at how crazy Sunoo is.

When they arrived at the parking lot, instead of going in Sunghoon's condominium. Sunoo decided to sleep at Jay's car until it's morning.
"I'll stay here. If it's okay with you." Sunoo said.

"Anytime you need. Anywhere you want to be, baby." Jay replied while kissing Sunoo's forehead. Not one minute after, Sunoo slept like a baby. Jay just carefully observes Sunoo while caressing his face.

"Sleep love. Sleep." Jay's last words before he also drifted to sleep.


Sunoo bids Jay farewell, "Thank you Jay. I'll forever cherish you as my close friend. I wish we met under a different circumstances."

"No, thank you. You made my wish come true even just for hours. You made me feel love. You made me feel complete despite it being short. Wherever life may takes you, be a human or genie. I wish we could cross paths again." Jay replied genuinely.

Sunoo kisses his cheek again, and smiled while leaving on the way to Sunghoon's unit. As he arrived at the unit. He saw Sunghoon with bloodshot eyes waiting for someone.

"Morning." Sunoo greeted cluelessly and was about to go at the couch to have a proper rest.

"So you went with Jay huh?" Sunghoon asked rhetorically.

"Huh? Why did you know?" Sunoo asked back.

"Jay posted these pictures with caption 'My angel, My genie' are you seriously dumb or just playing blind?" Sunghoon retorted in anger.

"And what about it?" Sunoo asked with sass.

"If you're doing this to make me jealous then you're wrong. I still would chase Jungwon." Sunghoon replied.

"I'm not doing this to get back at you. Yes, it's true. I'm hurting when I see you both Jungwon together but enough is enough. I will stay away from both of you, if that's what it needs for both of you to get together." Sunoo said.

Sunghoon is taken aback by Sunoo's sudden decision. He thought he would always keep Sunoo in the corner and would pressure him into agreeing him. But it isn't the case. He starts to sweat.

"No, you can't. You can't leave me. You know, if you just agree, I'll throw this all away. With one word, I'll leave Jungwon. I'll leave this all behind." Sunghoon pleaded while hugging Sunoo in the back.

"If you really want me to stay, then be with him. I promise after being together, you'll soon thank me." Sunoo replied as he plops himself on the couch.

Meanwhile, Sunghoon goes to his room and cries his frustration out. "Why can't things go right? I just want to be with him." He thought as he drifted to sleep because of sleep deprivation.


Sunghoon wakes up, founds out that it's 12 noon. He goes out and finds out that Sunoo is not at the couch. He calls him out. "Sunoo? Sunoo?"

He went to the every corner of his unit, he still couldn't find him. "Where the heck are you?" Sunghoon asked as he gropes his hair.

Until he goes to the table and found the ruby ring and a letter. "Dear Sunghoon, I have now temporarily resided in the ring. I will only come out if you and Jungwon are now together. I have listed the things you should do to Jungwon in order to win his heart. I wish that you would make it happen. Please take care of the ring."

Sunghoon is so shock. This was so sudden. But he now knows what he needs to do in order to bring Sunoo back. It's winning Jungwon's heart. He took the list on what he should do to win Jungwon's heart.

Sunghoon couldn't help but to shed a tear while reading Sunoo's list. "First, you need to buy Jungwon a lot lot of pizza, with little crunchy crust. Second-"

He kisses the ruby ring. "I'll get you back even if it means using Jungwon." Sunghoon muttered.


Over the past weeks, Sunghoon's attention is mainly about Jungwon. He made sure all Sunoo's list came true. They went on so many dates. Sunghoon made sure to win Jungwon's heart.

And he didn't fail. Jungwon started opening up to him. He started to share his life. He started to show who he is.

Until it came to the most important and breaking part- Sunghoon won Jungwon's heart.

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