Chapter 6

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Not more than 2 hours, Sunghoon arrived more or less at their special place in 5 pm. He's so excited that he can't contain it and just showing his smile. He texted Wayne. "Baby, I'm here now. I'm waiting for you."

Sunghoon waited but there was no response from him. He only convinced himself that maybe Wayne's surprising him and he's actually coming. One hour passed by, there is still no Wayne showing up and there's not even a text.

He decided to text Wayne again to confirm.

"Baby, I'm already here. Didn't you see my texts? I'm waiting for you." Sunghoon texted. Sunghoon is starting to get tired from the continuous driving plus he only ate a handful of fast food snacks.

He waited again for an hour, then he received a text. "I'm sorry, I'm coming, just wait there cause I also have something to say to you." Wayne replied to him.

Sunghoon came back excitedly, It turns out Wayne is actually coming. "I mean, he didn't forget their anniversary right?" He thought.

After waiting continuously waiting again for 30 minutes, Wayne arrived with a car. He gets off his car and goes to Sunghoon. Immediately Sunghoon hugs him the moment they got close.

"I miss you so much baby! How have you been. Are you eating well?" Sunghoon asked. But Wayne is just stoic and somewhat scared. He feels uneasy the moment he left from the car.

"Sunghoon, I have to tell you something." Wayne spoke for the first time. Sunghoon just paid him the full attention he deserves.

"Sure, tell me." Sunghoon replied.

"I'm sorry but we can't do this no more." Wayne said while his eyes are starting to water.

"What do you mean by we can't do this no more? I'm confused!" Sunghoon confusedly ask.

"It means we're over, breaking up, and we're no longer seeing each other." Wayne started to cry after telling it to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Sunghoon replied agitatedly. He was furious beyond by the thought he did his best but it eventually came to this point - AGAIN.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you beforehand. I am now engage to someone. My family decided it for me so I can't really protest about it." Wayne said while his tears are streaming down.

"You mean, when you suddenly cuts off our communication that was the time you knew that you're engaged? Like how can you left me out of the loop! You could've prepared me or something like wtf is wrong with you all." Sunghoon replied. But then, he finds something and throws it harshly towards the ground only to find out it is his car keys which then opens the backdoor of his car.

Revealing his surprise to Wayne. The ballons, the cake, the designs, their pictures. and the present is all in view to Wayne's eyes. He is utterly surprised on how did he forget that it's their monthsary.

"Sunghoon, is today our monthsary?" Wayne ask while he's still in tears.

Sunghoon couldn't believe what he just said. "Is he seriously telling me that he forgot our monthsary and he just went here to slap this news to him?" He thought which only made him sadder and disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Sunghoon. I wish things are different but I can't fight my family." Wayne's asking for apology but Sunghoon cuts him off.

"I trusted you and you broke it." Sunghoon's voice cracked.

"You know what, take your goddamn shit self and stay away from my line of sight. I don't wanna see, hear, or even breathe the same air as you. Thank you for hurting me Wayne, and you can go now." Sunghoon replied, grabs his keys, and walks away to the driver's seat leaving Wayne crying his balls out.

Sunghoon stayed at the driver's seat looking down below. After a few minutes, footsteps seem to fade away as Wayne walks away on the way to his car. Sunghoon finally looks at him going to his car only to find out that a guy is on the driver's seat waiting for Wayne.

"Is that him? I'm wishing you all the worst for hurting my feelings badly." He said to his self.

The car left leaving Sunghoon in shattered. He cried hard at the exact moment they left. He can't explain the feeling of a failed 9 relationships again and again. No matter how many times he got played, used, and shitted on. The pain is still the same as ever. It's still fresh in his memory as the first betrayal he felt from it.

After like what seems like an hour of crying, he drives off to his calming place. The ocean. It's where his comfort place. His safe haven. This is the place where he can think freely. Arriving at the ocean, nowhere a single soul on site. It's better this way. He wouldn't like someone would found him crying at the ocean.

He carries the balloons, designs, pictures, cake, and the box. He starts to let go of the balloons drifting towards in the air. He started eating the carrot cake while at the same to me looking at the pictures and photo cards he printed for Wayne and one by one throwing it harshly at the wild sea.

As he throws the photo cards and pictures one by one, he can't help but to shed tears as it all become numb at one point. "I'm throwing all of you Wayne. you don't deserve me." Sunghoon shouted.

As he finished the carrot cake, he opens the box which contained a necklace on it. Anyone would think that Sunghoon is stupid for giving a ring for a monthsary but it's his decision. Despite what Wayne did and made him feel shitty, he can't deny the fact that he still made an impact in his life.

"I did all those surprises, I drove 10 kilometers away to buy this carrot cake that is in my stomach right now, I even printed out pictures to express my love, and now this a necklace that is going to show that you're mine is a whole fiasco!" Sunghoon thought to himself.

He opens the box which showed the ring and gave it one last look before shouting. "FUCK YOU WAYNE, YOUR FIANCE AND YOUR FAMILY." as he throws the necklace into the ocean.

After throwing the necklace, it somehow made his feelings better but it sure still hurts. He decided to stroll around the ocean before going back to his condo. He wants to enjoy his time to let his thoughts run wild.

As he walks slowly in the sandy shores, he accidentally stepped on something. Something that is glowing red. He decided to pick it up. Only to find out that it's a ring. A ruby to be specific. Somehow his thoughts came back to the necklace he just threw earlier but he couldn't get rid of this ruby ring.

He badly wants to throw this ring also but someone just whispered to him. "Don't please."

So he just kept it in his pocket and went home.

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