Chapter 3

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~Couple Months Later~

*Mia's POV*


ugh don't people get it's Saturday or do they need a brain?

I walk downstairs and see Lilly in tears.

I became worried and let her sit on the couch while I go bring her water.

When I come back I see something on her wrist.

I quickly walked over to her and gave her the glass of water.

"What happened?" I said.

"My b-boyfriend b-broke u-up w-with m-me" then she broke down even harder.

I hugged her and thought how stupid that guy would be to break up with my best friend.

I knew what would cheer her up.


"Yes?" she said.

"Wanna go shopping?" she nods.

She left and said that she's going to go get herself dressed and will come back.

I hop into the shower and think of who would break up with Lilly, obviously all the guys in my school are ugly and we both agreed on that which made me laugh.

I go over to my closet and pick out a shirt that says,

'Boyfriend? That's a funny way to say food' I laugh. I do my winged eyeliner and straighten my hair, now I'm done, now I have to wait for Lilly.

~1 Hour Later~

I'm starting to get worried. I texted her, called her but she won't respond or answer my calls.

I quickly run to her house and see a firetruck, ambulance, and police cars.

I panicked and ran over and ran inside.

"HEY YOU GET BACK HERE!" the police shouted but I ignored them.

"LILLY! LILLY! LILLY!" I shouted but no answer.

I ran inside her room and saw a little note on her bed, I pick it up and read it.

'Mia, I'm sorry I did this to you but I know you can be better off without me. I saved every photo of ours in my phone, every memory we had since that day you helped me. Thank you and I love you. Lilly'

Tears are forming in my eyes falling out, pouring out then turn it over on the back if it has more writing on it and I see it says,

'Wanna know who made me do this? It's Veronica, Alison, Jessica, and my ex-boyfriend Jake. I love you Mia and I'll be watching you from above with angels and God.'

I cry even more harder.

I can't believe I lost my best friend at such a young age and I can't believe those 3 whores and Jake made her commit suicide.

Now it's my time to get revenge.


Ooh someone's getting revenge and in this book pretend Hayes is 16 or 17 because Idk anyways goodnight ya'll

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