Chapter 21

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**Hayes POV**

"We should wait until the cops knock on the door, because if we open the door and walk out, the person might be sitting out there" I whisper. We wait a while and the cops never made their entrance. "Hayes, what's going on?" Mia tells me.

"I'm not sure yet. I should have another look out there" I walk towards the window and take a small peek to see if there were cops actually out there. I back away from the window.

"Mia" I say. "Hayes, what happened?" She says running up to me. "Those aren't cops" I look at her. "Those are more people". 

"What?!" She freaks out. "How did they do that?"

"They must've hacked our phones, tricking us into being cops" I look around the room to find a weapon or a way out.

"Mrs. Rose, do you carry any weapons in this room, or other rooms?" She thinks. "Other rooms?" Mia says.


"There's no way in hell I'm letting you out there" She backs up.

"Mia, there has to be a way to defend ourselves" I turn to her mom and she runs into the bathroom.

"I have pepper spray, is that good enough?" I nod. "Anything else?" She looks into the drawers and finds Clorox. "You can burn those mother fuckers"

"Mom!" Mia shouts. "Good, any matches?" She looks again and she pulls out two match boxes. "Mom, do you keeps swords in here as well?"

"Okay, each of you need these to hurt the person. I'll pour Clorox on them and you guys light the matches and throw it on them. If we run out, I pour Clorox on them and you pepper spray them. Oh here's a smart idea. Mrs. Rose, do you have gloves, face masks, and a spray bottle?"

"Yes, I'll bring them" She brings the three items and I put on the glove, put the face mask on and pour the Clorox in the spray bottle, I turn to them.

"Life hack" They laugh. "Alright, get ready" I go towards the door. As I reach for the door knob, someone shakes it from the other end. Mia grabs me. "Hayes"

"It's alright, calm down" I back away from the door just in case they had a gun. I push them back with me and guess what, they shot at the door. I turn around and look at the window. No one is out there.

"What if we jumped out here" I look at them and their faces are plain white. I look down to see if anyone was in the car or at the door, but no one was there, and it wasn't a high jump either. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Mia. "I love you" I hug her so hard I felt like she wouldn't be able to breathe. I let go of her and there was tears in her eyes. I wipe them. "Mia, nothings going to happen, I promise you" I open the window and move the curtains to the side. "You guys ready to jump? It's not a high jump, you guys will be fine" they nod.

"I'll go first, just in case you guys don't get hurt. I'm going to hide in the bushes and don't jump out until you see me" I climb to the window and jump, I get into the bushes and wait for a minute. I get up and go to the same spot I jumped from and Mia jumps. I catch her and let her down. I look up to Mrs. Rose and once she jumped, Mia and I caught her. "Let's run" we all run into the neighborhood as fast as we could. "We should head to the police station" I tell them. "Let's go" they say.

We run again and head into the police station. I go up to the counter trying to catch my breath.

"Ex-cuse m-e" I say.

"Sir, are you alright?" I shake my head.

"Th-er-e's peo-ple i-n my girl-friends hou-se try-ing to ki-ll us"

"Where is her home located?" I give the lady the address and she picks the phone up, dialing the cops.

"There has been a robbery at... and the robbers still might be in the home, over"

"Alright sir, they'll be on their way over to the house, have a seat" I walk back and Mia runs and hugs me sobbing.

"Mia, you're fine, we're safe. Don't worry too much, they'll be arrested in no time" I walk over to her mom. "Are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital?" She shakes her head and holds my hands. "Thank you Hayes. I appreciate everything you do for me and Mia, thank you" I smile. "No problem Mrs. Rose"

"Call me Katherine dear" I nod and sit next to Mia.

"You alright?" She just stares at the ground. "Mia?" She looks up at me. "Thank you. I don't know what would've happened if I never knew you" I smile. "I'll always be there for you" I hug her. What would my life be like without Mia. I'll never know and I don't want to know. Mia's mom stands up and goes to the counter and asks the lady something and comes back.

"Mom? What happened?" She shakes her head. "Mom, tell me" She looks at both of us. "They set our house on fire" Mia stands up and runs out. "MIA!" I shout for her. "Stay here" I tell Katherine. I run out and find Mia running to the direction where her house is and I look up to see black smoke. I catch up to her and grab her.

"MIA" I spun her. "ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT IF THEY'RE HIDING THERE? THEY'LL SHOOT YOU" She pushes me and runs again. I run after her and make it to her house. I look at the burning house and all the memories just hit me. Mia falls to the ground crying. I walk up to her and hug her.

"It's okay, you can live with us" She shakes her head still sobbing. "We have no money, my phones gone, everything is gone, you don't understand" I cradle her in my arms. "We'll help you"

"Hayes, I don't like you spending money on me"

"I don't care if you don't like it, I like it, you're my princess, I'm going to spoil you" She shakes her head. She stands up still looking at the house and walks away. I follow her. I left my phone in her house as well, I can't contact my parents. Maybe Mia's mom brought hers.

We make it back to the station and Katherine is pacing around the place. Once she sees us, she runs to us and hugs us.

"Don't ever run off like that" She cries. "Mom, everything's gone" Mia cries. "I know honey, I know" This really broke my heart. I leave them and walk up to the counter.

"Excuse me? Can you call my parents? My phone is left at my girlfriends house"

"Of course, what are your parents names?" I give her their name and she calls. I thank her and walk back to my seat. I look up to see my mom and my dad running in.

"Hayes!" My mom shouts. She runs up and hugs me.

"Are you alright dear?" She says as she feels my face. "Yeah mom, I'm okay"


Hey guys, horrible ending I know but I didn't know how to end it but it sounds kind of like a cliff hanger right? Anyways, sorry for posting too late, it's because of school and lots of work. I'll find a way to start posting quickly. Thanks <3

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