The New Devils Meets the ORC/Truth Revealed

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"Me and Albion just finished training 5 minutes ago and we are just chatting and he told me the history of the Supernatural World as he finished I was shocked"
Me: Damn you guys are scary and awesome. 4 Heavenly Dragons fighting each other while you and Ddraig are brothers like me and Issei. Draco and Thorn are your rivals. So does that make Draco and his host are my rivals as well?
Albion: Yes Partner, we are destined to fight each other. And also since you gained dragon senses have you sensed the Power coming from your brother?
Me: Yes and it seems like he's the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation as well. Huh, looks like the both of us were your destined partner.
Albion: What do you mean?
Me: Well me and Issei even though we're twins we like to do different things. Like how he always dives in head first without a plan and only uses brute force. While I plan my every move and analyze my opponent while we fight and use that against them.
Albion: I can see what you mean Partner.
"Just before we can continue our conversation we heard flapping sounds and we look and see a red dragon with Red skin, green eyes, and yellow horns as well it was revealed to be Ddraig, Albion's brother.

"Just before we can continue our conversation we heard flapping sounds and we look and see a red dragon with Red skin, green eyes, and yellow horns as well it was revealed to be Ddraig, Albion's brother

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Ddraig: So your my host's brother it is nice to meet you Y/N Hyoudou.
Me: Just call me Y/N Ddraig, after all you are my partner's brother. Huh, 4 brothers as a team has a nice ring to it.
"The 3 of us laugh at my joke and then we chatted a bit"
Ddraig: Wait so you mean I got stuck with a pervert as a host?!
Albion: Yes brother, but don't worry my host can deal with his perversity.
Ddraig: I guess your right.
Me: Hey Albion this is a linked mindscape right?
Albion: Yes partner, why do yo- Oh now I see.
Ddraig: What do you mean, brother?
Me: How about you call me partner too since you can communicate with me in my mind and also I can use your power as you gave Albion some of your's during the Great War, and he was also going to give you his, Albion got sealed in the Divine Dividing.
Ddraig: Your right! Now I have 2 partners and 1 of them is a pervert hater, this is going to be the best day of my life.
"As Ddraig celebrates both me and Albion laugh at him and he snaps out of it"
Me: Since Issei hasn't awakened you yet you can start training me until he unlocks you and both of us will ve trained by you 2 alternating like since I trained with Albion today, tomorrow you can train me and when Issei unlocks the Boosted Gear you can alternate between the two of us. So what do you 2 say?
Albion/Ddraig: Alright let's do it.
"As they agreed I look at my hand and it's starting to fade and I look at the 2 dragons"
Albion: Seems like your waking up we'll talk later, Partner have a good day.
Ddraig: I'll see you later tonight, Partner and I'll train you and also you might want to brace yourself.
Me: Why?
Albion: Because there's a surprise waiting for you when you wake up, see you Partner
"As I disappear the dragons chat between themselves and I can't hear it as my vision blackens"
Albion POV
Me: It seems like he's already one of my strongest hosts.
Ddraig: Yes, I agree with you Albion. But come on why can't he be my destined partner?! *anime tears* Why is fate so cruel...
Me: *laughs* But you'll be happy when you train.
Ddraig: Why?
Me: Because he can easily adapt as he battles and when I fought him I enjoyed it. He was able to keep up with me going almost full power.
Ddraig: Damn, then I'll be looking forward to it.
Me: 'You don't know how much potential he has he can easily master Balance Breaker and the Juggernaut Drive and he can even make his own form. And Issei as well when he reaches half of your power and also with my host giving him some of my power. The both of them will be the strongest Red Dragon and White Dragon Emperors ever. And I'm happy knowing my host treats both you and me as friends instead of objects like many of our previous hosts as well their predecessors. And I know he'll someday surpass us and become the most strongest Heavenly Dragon ever.'
"Both of us looks at where he was and smiled knowing that he'll put our powers to good use."

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