Meet the Exorcist/Revealing the Dragon Emperors

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3rd Person POV
"It was now morning as we see Y/N in his room with Rias and Asia sleeping. Then suddenly Y/N's phone rings and he then wakes up for that and he then grabs his phone and answers it"
Y/N: *groggily* Hello?
Sona: Hey Y/N sorry for disturbing your sleep.
Y/N: It's fine don't worry about it. What did you want to talk about when you called me?
Sona: Oh right. There's going to be 2 exorcists wanting to meet with you guys and they said that they'll visit the ORC later today.
Y/N: Alright I'll tell the others also you come with your peerage to meet them with us there's also going to be some angels there with us as well.
Sona: Alright we'll go there after we bring the exorcists to you guys later.
Y/N: Alright stay safe you guys.
Sona: We will you guys as well. I'll see you later.
"Then Sona hangs up and Y/N puts his phone on his desk besides his bed and sighs. Then he felt Rias and Asia waking up then he looks at the 2. When they yawned and looked at him they smile they then kissed him as he kissed them back. They then got ready for school then Y/N told the both of them what Sona told him"
Rias: So 2 exorcists will be coming to meet us later today along with the the 3 angels?
Y/N: Yeah and from what Sona told me I can tell that they have 2 Excalibur fragments.
Rias: Do you think that they will attack us?
Y/N: I dunno but if they do. I'll show them no mercy for messing with a Heavenly Dragon Emperor.
Asia: Just be careful we don't want our boyfriend to get hurt. Ok, Darling?
Y/N: *hugs the 2 and smiles* Don't worry I will. They should be the ones who should be careful, because if they piss off this dragon they won't know what hit them.
"Then the 2 of them buried their faces into his chest as he rubs their heads. Then they finished getting ready and they all went downstairs they then ate breakfast and went to their school. On the way there Y/N told Issei about what will happen later and he was a little scared."
Issei: Damn 2 exorcists with 2 Holy Swords. That's going to be a handful.
Y/N: Yeah but were a little immune to holy swords.
Issei/Asia/Rias: Wait what?!
Y/N: Yeah since I'm part Dragon Holy Swords and other holy weapons don't have much effect on me. And also since Issei sold his left arm to Ddraig and it became a dragon arm he can block a holy sword with that.
Issei: Damn bro I didn't know that we were that tough.
Y/N: *shrugs* Perks of being a Heavenly Dragon Emperor.
"They then arrived at the gate of the school where they saw the other members of the ORC waiting for them. They then greeted each other and told the others what Sona told Y/N"
Akeno: So 2 exorcists are going to meet us after school?
Koneko: And 3 angels as well.
Kiba: Well if the 2 exorcists either say something bad to Buchou or try to hurt Nii-san I can't guarantee that I will not hurt them.
Y/N: Don't worry about it to much you guys. I'll handle them if they ever try and hurt you. I mean after all you guys trusted me in defeating Riser who said was immortal, plus me and Issei can use our Balance Breakers to keep them in check if need be.
Akeno: We know that you 2 can handle it.
Kiba: And we'll help you if it's needed alright Nii-san?
Y/N: Of course, well then shall we all head to class?
"They all nodded then all of them went to their classes. While he was in class Y/N was talking with Albion telepathically."
Y/N: [Hey Albion did you sense that the 3 angels here are stressed out?]
Albion: [I do Partner, but I don't think it's about the swords. I think it's about you.]
Y/N: [Do you think that they found out that I'm a devil?]
Albion: [No it's not that Partner. It's probably because they kept thinking that they are deceiving you.]
Y/N: [Maybe but I don't know what it is just yet though. Albion let's talk with Issei and Ddraig telepathically I need to tell them something and you also need to hear it.]
Albion: [Alright Partner I'll do it. Just wait a second and there were connected.]
Y/N: [Issei, Ddraig can you 2 hear me?]
Issei: [Whoa! Aniki your startled me. But yes I can hear you clearly.]
Ddraig: [I can as well Partner what did you want to tell us?]
Y/N: [This morning when we were just about to leave the house I felt the Blue One and the Black One's energy and their close they are somewhere in Kuoh.]
Albion: [There already here? Damn it!]
Ddraig: [I feel the same way as you Brother.]
Issei: [Yeah problems just keep on popping up left and right. What do we do now?]
Y/N: [I don't know, but I do now it's that when we finish the last period later you go on ahead to the clubhouse and tell Rias that I'm bringing the angels. I'm also going to talk to them it seems like they want to tell me something.]
Issei: [Alright I'll do that later. I'll talk to you later Aniki.]
Y/N: [Yeah I'll talk to you later as well.]

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