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Adrianna Pov

Someone once told me a person without hope is a body without a soul,

but I couldn't help but think,

even if I feel no hope,

i can still have a soul.

But that hope was soon strangled after my few days living with the Greek's.

I have been here with my brothers for 2 years.

The brothers that no longer consider me as their sister. I have hurt them. I have betrayed them. And now, they seem as as everyone else in this facility. An enemy.

Adrien. My sweet, happy brother is no more. No, now he is a breathing shadow. A shadow nobody would want following them. He has become his worst fear, so he taught himself to bask in it. His soul, slowly being torn out of his mind by those familiar slender, dark hands. And he looks at me with accusation. He sees me as a traitor and blames everything on me, because who else could he blame?

Andrew. My brother who went through everything with me. The one that had never given up hope, even if his world was slowly crushing before his eyes. But now, he has no world. He has no hope. And he is not who he was. He is darker. Colder. Dangerous. His soul being taken at a young age, made it easier for them to break him. To control him. No more comforting light sparkling in his eyes. Especially when he sees me.

Then there's me. The one who was slowly warming up to her family. The girl who was slowly trusting again. The girl who regained hope for a better life. The stupid girl. But she is smarter now. She is deadlier than she has ever been. She is as silent as ever. Her soul tainted darker. She has no heart to warm up to. She has no family. And she certainly has no trust.

But I like who I am now. I am better this way. Stronger. Deadlier.

Everyone fears me. I am their walking nightmare. Proof that their minds or bodies are not safe. I loath their weakness,

but I love their fear.

It's what I live for now. If nobody feared me, then what would my life be worth? What would be the purpose of it?

I haven't thought of my other brothers in months. When I first returned, they were the only thing I could think of.

A part of me hoped they would stick to the plan. The reasonable part. But the other part of me, the darker one, hoped they would come. Because if they did, they wouldn't have a chance of surviving and retrieving the three of us.

It was one or the other.

It's been the longest two years of my life. The hardest years of my life. As well as my brothers. But everyday, I promise myself that it is worth it. Even if it isn't anymore, I still tell myself everyday, to decrease the aching weight pushing down on my shoulders.

I have to drown the hope of defeating Adonis. I have to. I am his now, my brothers not so much. I am his favourite. I will always be his favourite. He likes to remind me every time I see him.

Every stroke he draws on my face. Every time his skin touches mine. Every time he flashes a smile that promises pain.

And I believe him.

He has made us stronger. My brothers don't agree with me. They say he is using us for his needs. They tell me we are the ones giving him more power.

They try to remind me of all the things he has done, but whatever he did to me was what I deserved.

I don't like when he tries to touch my brothers. I always manage to stop him before they're aware, thankfully. They don't deserve it. But I'm planning to fix that. It's the least I could do for them.

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