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That night I grabbed my assorted belongings that had somehow made their way into Ashton's flat, including varied bottles of nail varnish (???), but I had managed to paint one of Ashton's fingernails black whilst Michael giggled a tad too loudly, which ended up startling Ashton awake.

I stuffed everything in my bag and made my way upstairs, I just needed a bit of space to sort my head. When I turned the key to our flat, Luke's high pitched giggle filled my ears. I kicked off my shoes and walked straight into my bedroom, dumping my bag on the bed. I unpacked it quickly and decided to join Luke, and maybe Charlotte, in the living room. However, who I did not expect to be sitting in the living room was Calum.

I froze whilst working towards the kitchen and stared. Only Charlotte seemed to pick up on my actions, who gave me a forced smile which I returned, equally as forced. In the kitchen, I quickly caught my breath and slapped myself lightly round the face. Get it together. I scolded myself. Somehow, I found it hard to find that Luke would willingly let Calum into our apartment with no reason. However, I just shrugged this off and halted on my way back to the living room to check the time. My heart stopped. I forgot I'd got work tonight and my shift starts in less than half an hour!

"Hey, Stel come join us!" Luke called to me as I hurried past.

"Honestly, I'd love to, but my shift starts in less than half an hour and I need to get ready." I was actually thankful for the excuse.

In the comfort of my bedroom I let out a deep, long sigh and turn to my dresser which was full of varied make-up products, including my beloved eyeliner and lip gloss. I grabbed my mascara tube, unscrewed the lid and started making myself a little more presentable.

A few minutes later, I emerged from my bedroom fully made up and in a small black dress that would turn any guys head in a 3 mile radius. I gave Luke a small smile and I slowly walked toward the hallway and where my black patent heels were waiting for me. I grinned to myself slightly (okay, a lot) when I noticed Calum staring after me with his mouth wide open.

I was still smiling when I got to the bar, which was a first. Even the blaring music, loud conversations, roaring laughter and the stench of stale beer couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I walked past the large crowds, narrowly avoid having beer spilt on me and into the back where I stuffed my bag into the locker.

When I slipped behind the bar Kaytee smiled happily, she admitted to me the very first day I got back after my week off that she'd missed me and definitely noticed my absence in the delivery service. At first I smiled and thanked her for the lovely compliment, but after long thought I wasn't sure if it was good or not. I mean, sure it's good to be paid a compliment, but this is not what I want to be doing all my life.

I smiled brightly back at her and turned my attention to the first customer waiting.

"I'll have a pint of lager please." I smiled, poured the alcoholic drink and handed it to him with a fake smile painted on my face.




A big chunk of hours into my shift and my back was aching and a small beading of sweat was forming on my forehead. We were rushed off our feet tonight.

"Stel, to your left!" Someone shouted at me. I set my glass of ice cold water down and spun to my left.

"What can I get you?" I smiled grabbing a glad from underneath the bar.

"A chat with you in the back." My head snapped up.


"What do you want Calum?" I hissed so lowly I was surprised he could actually hear me.

"Okay, I understand that it's loud in here, but I think you heard me pretty clear. A talk with you in the back." He smirked. Smirked.

"I can't Calum, I'm working." I said putting emphasis on the 'working'.

"And." He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you blind? We are rushed off our feet, I can't exactly just pop off for a 'talk in the back'!" I shout.

"Fine. When do you finish?" He looks slightly defeated.

I glance at the clock. It shows 12:40am. I look back at him summing up my options. He's probably not going to give up. "I was supposed to finish 10 minutes ago." I whisper.

"Fantastic. C'mon, let's go." He grabs my hands and drags me to the back. Punching the code in first time which causes me to frown, but then I remember that it is Calum Hood we're talking about here so it's better not to ask questions.

In the private of the back room he turns to look at me and I brace myself for what's about to come.

"Answers." He states simply. As if he expects me to know exactly what he's on about.

"What? F-for law? We haven't got a test till at least next month, you don't need any answers." I furrow my eyebrows and spread my hands out in confusion.

He chuckles softly. "No, no. You want answers. About me, Luke, Michael, Ashton. That's what you're using him for." A smug grin appears on his face. At that moment all I want to do is wipe that smug grin off his face.

"I'm not using Ashton!" I exclaim, ignoring my thoughts telling me otherwise. They always seem to listen to Calum.

"I'm making you an offer. Take it or leave it." He shrugs.

"I'm listening." I narrow my eyes.

"I'll give the answers, all the answers you want. On one condition, you get rid of Ashton and be with me." I should have seen it coming, what else could his offer be.

"And why should I do that? Ashton would give me answers if I just asked him." I shrug and slouch my posture, giving off the aura that I really don't care.

"Because, this." And then he slams his lips against mine.




When I stumble out the door of the bar at 1am. I find Ashton waiting, leaning against the wall, one foot resting on it, leather jackets sitting comfortably on his broad shoulders, curly hair up in a man bun and glasses. When he sees me, his smile instantly brightens and he makes his way towards me.

He softly presses his lips against mine and slings his arm around my shoulders.

"What took you so long babe?" He asks me as we start walking.

"Oh, you know, Kaytee started talking about new rotas, different hours all that nonsense, when she gets going there's no stopping her." I brush off maybe a little too easily.

"Oh, well how about we call by the pizza place by the bottom of the flats and you stop at mine tonight?" He says kissing my forehead.

"Sounds great." I smile up at him.

And then he starts talking about his day at the music shop, where he works and how a kid came in today and got his first electric guitar. Quietly, I let out a long sigh.

What have I got myself into?



Current emotion/mental stability : stress.
So much of it

I'm trying my best to keep updating for you guys so please let me know what you think of this chapter :))

See you soon

~ Dani

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now