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Professor Langton then announced that the lectures for the next five days were to be purely used as revision sessions - 'a suitable, quiet working environment' - as he referred it to.

We all knew it was an excuse for him to read todays newspaper, browse through the too-many email supscriptions he'd signed up for and take a nap. All the 'jobs' he could do at home - but he was getting paid here.

About halfway through the revision Calum disturbed the peacefulness by loudly looking for something in his bag. Ten minutes later he pulled out a bag of lightly salted tortilla chips, I raised my eyebrows and just stared at him. However, he carried out his actions and noisily opened the bag and muched audibly. Many people shot death glares or even hissed at us to be quiet. Calum only responded by smiling (with a mouthful of tortilla chips) and, if possible, making even more noise. All of this went unoticed by Professor Langton as he had chosen this particular time to take a nap.

"Want one?" Calum swallowed his mouthful and shook the bag at me.

I could feel Luke stir from the other side -wary - so I shook my head and turned back to my notes. I felt him sigh deeply and then help himself to another handful. Loudly. I sighed almost as deeply and tried my best to concentrate on my notes.

For me, it had to be complete silence when I revised, which came in handy when you lived with someone who needed the same conditions. Not handy however, when you were sat next to someone who needed to blast his ears full of music. Calum (now eaten a whole bag of tortilla chips) was sitting, looking at the lecture hall as if it was the first time in his life seeing it, and blasting what I easily recognised as All Time Low in his ears. I know I tendes to listen to my music very loudly at times but his music was so loud that I was surprised that Professor Langton didn't stir from his nap all the way down at the front.

I nudged him gently with my shoulder. He yanked both earphones out of his ears (causing me to wince as the sound grew even louder) and raised his eyebrows.

"Are you actually going to study?" I hissed.

"I don't really know - annoying Mr. Stressful over there seems much more fun right now." He whispered gesturing to a guy at the front. I easily recognised him as Oscar.

Oscar always sat at the front in every lecture and literally knew all the answers to the questions that Professor Langton asked. At first, Professor Langton was impressed with Oscar's knowledge but now he found it annoying and this often caused him to pick on random people. Meanwhile, Oscar did a very good impression of a Jack-In-A-Box in his seat. Now though, Oscar looked anything but the cool and calm manner he showed whislt answering questions. He was fidgeting and running his hands through his quiffed blonde hair (almost in the sane style as Luke's). He cast anxious glances from napping Professor Langton, to his notes and then to the back round about where we were sitting.

"That's not nice." I frowned.

"Oh c'mon. Lighten up a bit! Watch this." Calum whispered and paused his music. Oscar visibly relaxed in his seat and cracked open one of his many notebooks. His bright flushed face and neck calming almost instantly. Beside me, I felt Calum wickedly smirked as he pressed play. And Oscar started again.

Calum chucked softly. My eyes widen and I struggled not to snap my gaze up from stressed-out Oscar to Calum. The chuckle sounded soft and light - almost musical - it would sound right coming from some one like Luke or even Ashton, but not Calum.

However, I knew a lost cause when I saw one. "Okay. Can you at least turn the volume down ... please." I added on almost reluctantly.

Calum rolled his eyes and pressed the volume button once.

It's best not to push it..You're lucky you got him to turn it down that much. My conciseness reminded me. Accepting Calum's act I turned back to my notes and sighed one again.




When Professor Langton was rudely woken up by the bell, he dismissed us wiping sleep from his eyes and drool off his chin.

I hurridly told Luke my plan and left him to walk home with Charlotte. In Tesco I grabbed the essentials that we desperately needed and bundled them into a basket. The basket was getting heavier and heavier, the plastic covered bars started cutting into my arm. I turned into aisle five which stoked crisps.

I was browsing the different choices when a familiar figured sidled up next to me. I sighed and turned to him, expecting some witty coment, but instead he bent down and picked up a bag of lightly salted tortilla chips.

Only did he notice me when he stood up, "Oh, hey! Didn't expect to find you in here." He smiled sweetly.

I frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

His eyes widened as if he hadn't meant to offend me. "Oh no, I didn't mean it like that! I meant like, shouldn't be studying or something?" He scratched the back of his neck. It was a sign I recognised often, Luke had did it this morning and underage age boys often repeated the action whilst ordering a drink. It was a sign of nervousness. Was I making the Calum Hood nervous?

"Oh, we're running low on food." I shrugged. It was a half-hearted attempt due to the fact that one of my arms was weighed down by the heavy basket.

Calum noticed and rushed forward (I did my best not to flinch). "Here let me take that." Before I could protest he was sliding the basket off my arm on to his. He held it effortlessly and I was going to protest but the feeling of the blood flowing back down into my wrist felt to good to demand the thing back.

After we'd queued and paid Calum walked me home.

"Do you eat anything other than tortilla chips?" I asked suddenly and gestured to the open (and almost empty) bag in his hands.

He chuckled through a mouthful. "Honestly, I don't know." But he carried on eating them anyway.

Eventually, we reached my block of flats and I turned to face him. He was right there. So close.

I gulped. "Erm, I would invite you inside but I know you and Luke don't get along." For some reason that no one wants to tell me about.

"It's fine. You have to study as well. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." And with that he lent forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

I gasped and felt the blood rising to my cheeks. When I opened my eyes (which I had shut on instinct) he was gone.

With shaking hands I unlocked the door and stumbled into the kitchen weighed down by the heavy bags. I sighed and shook my head as if trying to shake the memory from my brain. My attempt failed and I sighed  - once again - and started unpacking.


hey guys!
so i kinda like this chapter which means you should as well
I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS (well for me and not so much for you) but basically the reason it took me a while to get this up and running is bc i started it round about the time we did some serious revising for my science gcse i was taking a year early (wow good timing dani yeah i know) anyway i got the results last week and I GOT A B!!!!

im so happy

also congrats to Charlotte who also got a B im so proud ily  :*

okay im done


Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now