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Everyone was sitting in the living room, every conversation attempt lapsing into an awkward silence. The doorbell rang, slicing the awkward atmosphere in two and Charlotte (being the quickest to her feet) rushed off to answer it.

I closed my eyes and focused on Ashton's steady breathing as we were sat on the couch together, me placed in between his legs, my back leaning against his muscular chest.

"Well this is nice!" Michael smiled.

I cracked my eyes open slightly and saw Luke's gaze flicker to me.

"Not now, Michael." He said sternly. I could almost feel four pairs of eyes fall on me.

"Oh, c'mon lighten up! We haven't been in the same room since -"

"March 16th." Ashton cut Michael off.

"Yeah, it's been so long!" Michael's cheery voice seemed to irritate the others.

"We were all at the bar at the same time the other day." Calum added deadpanned.

"Yeah but-" Michael was cut off again, this time by Luke.

"Not. Now." He snarled through gritted teeth and the room fell silent again.

Luckily, this was the time Charlotte walked in carrying five boxes of pizza, she cracked them open and gestured to everyone to help themselves.

The room then burst into quiet conversations as we all discussed the best pizza flavours which ended up in me and Michael having a very animated argument over which was better; ham and pineapple or pepperoni.

"It's obviously pepperoni, what are you on about Michael?" I fake frowned at him.

His eyes widened. "Are you actually kidding me? The king of all pizza flavours is definately ham and pineapple!"

"Who puts something sweet on something savoury!" I protested.

"But the flavours contrast!" He whined and pouted.

"I am literally so done with his stupidity, I just can't." I looked up and explained to Ashton. He was already chuckling softly at me, so my statement sent him into full on laughter. And I found myself smiling at him.

When he had calmed down, I reached up and kissed him. Our kiss may have lasted a few seconds longer than 'in public' acceptable. When I pulled my lips from his, smiling and gazing into his gorgeus green eyes the room was back in an awkward silence and Calum was gone.

Luke acted instantly and found a movie playing on one of the channels and we all settled down to watch that, me and Ashton occasionally kissing.

"Hey babe?" Ashton whispered in my ear.

"Mhmm?" I looked up at him, biting my lip.

"Could you get me another drink please?" He smiled at me, dimples and everything. Honestly, who could say no to Ashton Irwin when he gave you the dimpled smile?

I nodded and got up from off his lap.

In the kitchen I walked over to the far left corner where the beer fridge was plugged in. I was reaching to the very back to grab Ashton's drink when I felt a pair of large hands grip my waist.

"Seriously, Ash? Could you not wait two seconds?" I giggled. But when I spun around I was met with the large brown eyes that belonged to Calum Hood.

I huffed and tried to get around him but in every direction I tried to head, Calum was there, arms crossed, staring at me challenging to look at him.

"Calum, let me go." I sighed.

"No." He growled and twisted the bottle from my grip. "We need to talk."

"I don't have anything to talk about Calum." I tried to get round him again. He sighed and backed me into the corner where I was basically trapped into looking at him.

"Yeah, we do." He was so close I could feel his soft breath hit my cheeks as he talked.

"Like?" I prompted.

"Ashton." He snorted, as if it was obvious. "You can't be his, you're mine."

"Cal, wha-" And suddenly his lips were on mine kissing me softly as if he were afraid I might break in his arms that he had just slid around my waist. And I, well, I was kissing him back. The guilt was filling up inside me like someone filling up their car with fuel but I could not deny that I was loving every minute of this. My arms were slung around his neck as we made out messily.

He slowly trailed leaving sloppy kisses along down my neck.

"C-Cal, no." I whispered unconvincingly. He was quick to shush me as he kissed the base of my neck, the kind of place that would be hidden underneath a band t-shirt.

Sharply, Calum pulled away bringing my exhilaration to an abrupt end.

He looked at me with dark eyes that were almost black and, with a deep, raspy voice (that definately did not make me want to make out with him all over again) whispered. "Mine." Through pink swollen lips.


Woah I think I need some time to catch my breath wow

Ern so yeah im sorry for not being very good at updating atm its just that i have tons of revision and stress from school but i will try to update before next week when i have to go back

Also i wrote this ready to go up like the day before I went back to school in Jan but i totally forgot that I had it saved oops

Anywayyys hope you enjoyed this chapter
Dani :)

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now