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Sighing - I seem to be doing a lot of that recently - I shut down my laptop before climbing into bed. It was 3am, the earilest I've gotten to bed this month.

To say law university was a handful was an understatement! I was till early hours in the morning finishing off essays and studying. 

Plus the fact that I know had a job. Sounds good, but trust me, it isn't. I worked in a bar, where I served drinks to everybody, whether they looked old enough or not, orders from the boss. Nearl every night I had some overly drunk guy trying to hit on me. Half the time I could handle them myself, but when it got really out of hand, that's when my friend, Luke, had to step in. 

I met Luke whislt working at the bar and, as it turned out, we had the same classes. The only difference being that he chose to come to Cambridge. After a few months of being freinds, I had asked Luke to move in with me. He was struggling with paying the rent, and truth be tolf, so was I. So why not combine both our efforts? It was working out so far. However, I made it clear to Luke that I only liked him as friend. He assured me that the feeling was mutual. 

Here I am a year later, close to finishing my first year and juggling a night time job. As I had predicted, my parents had visited two times in the past twelve months. 

The next morning I wake with a start and ran around the room trying to get ready. I was late to my first class according to my phone. 

I was pulling on a pair of vans when Luke entered my room without knocking. 

"Luke!" I scolded, jumping up. "What if I wasn't wearing any clothes?"

"Don't worry, I heard you banging about, you couldn't have been making that much noise without any clothes on. What's the rush?" He frowns when he sees me rushing around th room. 

"Have you not seen the time? We're going to be late!" I grab my bag off the desk and shove all my books inside. I've probably got more than I need, but I can't waste anymore time checking. 

I turn to walk outside the door when Luke grabs me by the shoulders. 

"Stel, have you seen the date? It's Saturday." I check my phone, and he's right. 

I collapse back onto the bed and let out a big sigh. "I thought I was going to be late!" I let out a small laugh, which could either mean I find this whole situation funny or I'm slightly mental. I wouldn'tbe surprised if it was the latter. 

"I think you're going mental!" He lies down next to me. You're not the only one. 

"How do you do it? Have essays done, manage a job and still get enough sleep?" I ask suddenly. 

"I just do. Give up the job?" I frown at Luke's short answer but the question distracts me. 

"Give up the job? Luke. we'd never be able to pay the bills! Wait, do I have work tonight?" I let out another laugh, I never knew I'd become this unorganised. 

"Yes. you do." He tells me. 

Rolling my eyes, I get up and walk into the kitchen, using my new found time to actually get some breakfast. I pour myself a bowl of Cheerios before adding milk. Whilst I eat my breakfast I wait for the kettle to boil and prepare two mugs for coffee.

When Luke walks in a few minutes later - I wonder what he was doing, but I choose not to mention this - and takes the hot mug from my hand, smiling thankfully. 

After washing up my breakfast things I pull the books I had chucked in my bag and opened them, prepared to study. I started getting myself lost in the laws of 1962 when Luke sat down next to me. 

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now