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What just happened? Alarm bells rung in my head and I could think about was how much I'd screwed up. I wanted to run away, far, far away. Away from all my problems. But when Ashton's eyes slowly opened and looked into my I just wanted to die on the spot.

"Y-you want to break up with me?" He asked, his eyes filled with tears.

I gulped and nodded, my words failing me. I felt so guilty at the broken expression on his face. Silently, he nodded and jumped up off the sofa and headed out the door. Only when the door slamming loudly echoed through the flat, did Luke awkwardly appear from the kitchen.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" I whispered, staring at the spot that Ashton had recently vacated, tears threatened at the back of my eyes. I felt so bad, he'd come here to tell me that he loved me and I had broken up with him. You should have never have got with him in the first place, my thoughts taunted me, and I could not disagree with them.

"Yeah." Luke let out a loud sigh. "Wanna go and get a drink?"

A drink was how I got into this mess in the first place. Despite my doubts I nodded and forced myself up off the couch and into the kitchen to make myself at least a little bit presentable.

10 minutes later, my make-up was done enough to hid the fact that I had been close to tears and the tight top and jeans I was wearing almost made me feel confident about myself, like the terrible act I had committed fifteen minutes earlier did not affect me in the slightest and that there probably wasn't a twenty year old man crying on a nineteen year old's shoulder a few floors up.

Shaking my head at my pathetic thoughts I pulled open the bedroom and greeted Luke in the living room who was wearing a drop dead shirt and a pair of jeans that were ripped in both knees. He smiled cheekily and offered me his arm as we walked out the door.

On the way to the bar, we passed Michael walking very fast and holding a tub of ben and jerry's ice cream with the sleeves of his large jumper. Our eyes met and he scowled. I dropped my gaze as I felt a lump form in my throat. Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his comforting warm body. I smiled weakly, more for myself than anyone else.

We soon turned up at the bar, where I could drink and forget my problems. I sat down numbly and watched as workers behind the bar rushed over to take our order, it felt weird and different being the other side of the bar. I felt as if I should jump over and help out as they fumbled with the glasses, desperately trying to find a clean one and poured drinks with shaking hands.

I smiled at the newest guy as he set two pints down in front of Luke and I. As soon as the cool liquid slipped down my throat I could almost feel it coursing through my veins instantly lightening me up slightly. I smiled at Luke as he smiled back, knowing it had the same affect on him. Wordlessly, we clinked our glasses together, and downed the rest of our pints, grinning as we ordered another glass.

*ASHTON'S POV* (it's a surprise to me too)
"I-I want a drink, Michael." I managed to get out through all my blubbering.It was at least 2am, and I had not stopped crying since I'd gotten home, at one point Michael had (reluctantly) left to get me ice cream to see if that would cheer me up, of course like everything else - it failed. I sighed feeling terribly sorry for myself and more tears slipped down my cheeks.

Michael looked up from his phone. "You know we can't go out, Ash." His sorry tone made my chest hurt even  more.

"But why Michael? Why don't we even have anything in?" My voice cracked at the end and more tears formed in my eyes.

Michael looked at me for a long time. He seemed to be studying my red, puffy eyes with great deal. Eventually, he sighed and got up from his seat and walked into the kitchen. After endless minutes, he returned with a dusty looking bottle of auburn liquid. He pours small amounts into the small tumblers he also brings with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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