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I arrived at the lecture hall five minute before my lesson. I'd decided on wearing my usual black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt - this time it was Green Day.

I settled into my usual place behind Luke and pulled out my notebooks. Usually, when I got bored I'd tap him lightly on the back of the head. He'd just turn round and smile. When I saw him in front of me, I did my usual trick and tapped him on the back of his head. This time he turned around fully in his seat and narrowed his eyes. "Do you mind?" He whispered lowly and harshly. I leant back in my seat and held my hands up in mock surrender. His eyes narrowed as he twisted back round in his seat.

"Sorry about that. As I was saying...." I zoned out and realised who he was talking to Charlotte. Oh.

I sat in silence as we waited for the professor to arrive and he was always at least ten minutes late. I sighed and carelessly doodled in my notebook. Luke was my only friend in this place, what would I do if he left me?

Shaking these terrible thoughts from my head, I payed more attention to my doodles. Soon my whole page was covered in swirling designs.

Hang on, they look familliar.

And with a brilliant shock I realised that the swirling designs were tattoos. Tattoos that belonged to Calum Hood. I teared the page out from the book viciously. The tearing made a surprisingly loud noise, and then I realised why. Many heads turned in my direction and I tried my best not to blush in embarrassment. Their attention soon turned to the centre of the lecture hall. I followed their gaze. And tried my best not to gasp loudly.

There in the middle of the lecture hall, in front of Professor Langton was Calum Hood - the piercing and tattooed guy from the bar/alleyway. Even from quite far back in the lecture hall I could feel some sort of tense, radiating energy. He stood with a simple black backpack slung over one shoulder. It was hard to notice as it blended in with his black vest top and black skinny jeans. He looked good. I was so caught in admiration that I almost missed the conversation.

"So you must be the new student?" Professor Langton questioned. Professor Langton was a middle-aged man with a grey moustache and slightly greying hair (not matter how much he dyed it) and a large, protruding beer-belly.

"Uhh, yeah." He used a tone to imply the professor was clearly stupid not to guess this.

"And, Calum, please enlighten me on why you would enroll in such a demanding course so late into the term?" The professor's eyes narrowed.

"Always had a passion for the law, sir. I just never knew they offered such a great cause right on my doorstep." He beamed at the large man in front of him.

"Well......" he stroked his moustache, "welcome, Calum Hood, take a seat and don't ever be late to my lesson again!" He turned his attention back to the large whiteboard. I gad trouble hold back my scoff, but it seems the rest of the hall did not, I heard Luke scoff in front of me and Charlotte giggled. Professor Langton was a good teacher, he made his lessons interesting and often got high court judges or FBI agents in to talk to us, but other than that he read off a powerpoint, which made it easy to take notes now and revise later.

Calum's eyes swept the crowd of students. Some focused their attention on the board as Professor Langton started his lecture, others didn't bother to hide their stares as Calum swaggered past. I was one of those students, but my gaze full of shock and awe, my gaze was not weighed with judgement like others. He was walking slowly like he was enjoying the attention, but I could tell from the way that his eyes nervously scanned the crowd and he fiddled with the bottom of his vest with his fingers that he wasn't. His gaze finally found mine and for a second I thought I saw relief flood through his eyes and his step quickened. I was the only one sitting in my row, but he walked along it and settled in the seat beside me. He pulled new notebooks and pens from his bag and focused his gaze on the front.

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now