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My harsh words flowed through my brain like a forceful stream over and over again at 3am again. Just when I'd told Calum that I want nothing to do with him any more he has to go and cry and make my feelings for him multiply. When he walked back in with red puffy eyes I just wanted to cuddle with him and make the person who hurt his feelings wish they were never born. But then you'd be probably hurting yourself, my thoughts tortured. Shaking the terrible thought out of my head I placed my earphones in my ears and played twenty one pilots quietly. I fell asleep effortlessly.

The next morning I returned to class, like normal. Professor Langston taught like normal, the only thing that wasn't normal was the empty space next to me, normally filled by Calum. In our forty-five minute break (that Professor Langston had awarded himself more than us) I turned to Luke and Charlotte.
"Hey, did any of you notice that Calum was a bit off last night?" I asked, trying not to come off as if I was genuinely interested.

Luke shot me a suspicious glance where as Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, I noticed that too. I tried to ask him when we left but he just shrugged and he didn't talk all the way home."
I sighed and slumped back in my seat as Langston cleared his throat and began to teach from the powerpoint again.

Five minutes and two slides later the door to the lecture hall banged shut. Everybody's head turned. And there he was, dressed in all black with a grey beanie and dark bags under his eyes.

"Ah, Mr Hood, well better late than never, go on now, stop causing further distraction and take your seat." Calum nodded silently and walked towards his seat.

Sitting down next to me, he slowly pulled out a notebook and pen from his black backpack and started taking notes silently. I watched him carefully out of the corner of my eye.

Seven slides later and a note slid on my notebook. I recognised Calum's messy scrawl almost immediately.

Can we talk? After this?

I looked up at the clock to see we only had half an hour left. Seeing him staring at me, I turned my attention back to the powerpoint slide now showing and nodded once.

Half an hour later and Professor Langston was packing up his laptop signalling the end of the lesson. I started walking off with Luke and Charlotte but I could feel Calum's eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. 

"Hey guys, I'm gonna hang back and ask Langston about slide, uhm, fifteen. I'll catch you up or at the flat or something?" I called to them. They seemed to accept my excuse, oblivious. I turned to Calum and looked at him. He grabbed my hand, wordlessly, and led me towards the back where the fire exit was propped open slightly so that no alarms would be set off. 

"I wanted to talk." Calum stated. 

"I guess, so talk." I replied.

"Okay, so what you said did hurt me a little and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for messing you about."

"Wow, Calum, thanks." I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"However, I won't bribe you with answers any more but you can't deny that we've got something and, being completely honest Stella, I can't stay away from you. I'm trying my best and it's just not working." He shrugged. Just when I thought he's changed. And before I knew it his lips were on mine. 




On the way back to my flat with Calum, he was telling me about the time he swallowed a worm to impress a girl back in primary school when I we passed a small coffee shop with Luke and Charlotte sitting the window. 

"Hey look! We should totally go and crash their date! You get the drinks, I'll have a hot chocolate." I beamed up at Calum who giggled and shook his head but smiled anyway and queued up. Luke and Charlotte were sharing a big chocolate milkshake (which was nearly empty) and just as they were leaning over the two straws to kiss I pulled up a chair and sat down. 

"Hey guys!" I said loudly, both of them jumped apart causing Luke to knock over the tall glass. I sat back in my seat and giggled as Luke mopped up the small trickle of chocolate milk coming from the glass. 

Just at that moment, Calum pulled up a chair and handed me my takeaway cup of hot chocolate. I smiled at him warmly and he smiled back. 

We stayed at the table laughing together as Charlotte shared stories of embarrassing Luke has done in their relationship whilst he flushed bright red. 

On the way back to the flat Calum and Luke walked together keeping up general conversation whilst me and Charlotte trailed behind. 

"So what's going on between you and Calum?" She asked, smiling largely. 

"We're friends." I frowned.

"Really, cause that's not what it looks like. I thought you were with Ashton anyway."

"I am with Ashton? Me and Calum are just friends." I said through gritted teeth.

"Cause you guys act like a great couple." And she ran off to catch up with Luke.

I frowned and mulled over my thoughts. I needed to sort everything out but I had no idea where to start. 


hello guys and yes I did just actually update, be proud of me

ive spent the past month questioning whether i am actually a good writer and whether or not i should give up so idk let me know youre opinion

see you

dani :)

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz