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When I woke it was morning - well it was kind of morning. It was 5am and I could feel Calum's heart beating and chest rising faster than his usual steady rhythm. I stirred but gave nothing away for me being awake.

"It's all your fault you know." Luke whispered.

"Yes, Luke, I do know." Calum replied through gritted teeth.

"I have to study law now. Law." Luke hissed.

"And so do I." Calum bluntly replied.

"Oh, you do make me laugh. You're not actually 'studying' you're just doing all this to impress Stella." Luke was getting angry too.

"What if I am? What if I like Stella?" Calum questioned.

"Then there's no way you're going be with her; not unless you want me to tell her the truth." Luke threatened.

"About what?"

"Oh, where would I start? The real reason our band split up, why you really drink every night, why you've suddenly become friends with her, how you're not really interested in law, you want to get -"

"Okay stop!" Calum almost shouted.

In the awkward silence Calum's phone decided to ring out. Most of it was muffled by my body so I chose this time to 'wake up'. Convincingly, I yawned and rubbed my eyes before looking around the room 'dazed and confused' before waving at Luke who waved back. I payed little attention to Calum who was holding a hushed conversation and walked into the kitchen and started making coffees.

"Hey, can you hold the coffee? I have to go and meet someone." Calum asked he appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, erm yeah sure. Are you sure you should be going out at 5am?" I asked as I placed a mug back on the rack.

"That's what I said. Listen can I meet you at the starbucks in town at 1:30pm?" Calum asked after he'd checked his phone.

"Yeah sure!" I tried not to sound too enthusiastic.

"Alright! See you then! And erm ... thanks for last night by the way." He smiled warmly at me before leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. I could feel his lips still tingling on my skin when the door slammed shut.

A few minutes later and I carried three coffee mugs into the living room where Charlotte and Luke were sitting.

"Look at us," Charlotte sighed, "a whole week off and we wake up at five am."






It was time to meet Calum. I'd spent half an hour studying the bus timetables so that I don't end up catching three different buses like I did with Luke. Then I spent an hour decided on what skinny jean and band shirt combination to wear. 

Eventually I decided wear a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans with a rip in the left knee.

At 12pm I walked out my bedroom to find Luke and Charlotte still cuddled on the sofa. Apparently they were having a 'movie day' which I had no intention to join.

"Alright Luke, I'm heading out now. Ill be back in time for work, bye." I shouted as I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge in the kitchen.

"Oh, Stella I forgot to tell you but I talked with my dad and he agreed to giving you the week off!" Charlotte beamed. Her dad owns the bar that I work at.

"That's amazing! Thank you so much! Now, I really have to go bye!" I hugged her and ran out the door.

I quickly walked down the street where I caught the right bus to town.

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now