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When we we had finally caught up with Luke and Charlotte they were already in the lecture hall. Today Professor Langton stood behind his desk and smiled at us as we found out the results of our test. Luke smiled at me as we walked and Charlotte shot me a wink which I returned with a confused expression. Calum and I had dropped our linked arms before entering.

"Ah, Mr Hood! May I have a word?" Professor Langton boomed over the anticipated crowd - silencing them immediately. Calum nodded and made his way over to the desk; followed by many pairs of eyes. When it became clear the 'serious' conversation would start when we weren't all eavesdropping everybody resumed their conversations again.

Luke and Charlotte began to push through the crowd but I hung back.

"Hey, Stella, you coming?" Luke turned round to face me.

"Uhh, no thanks. I think I'll hang back and wait for Calum." I smiled. The smile was forced rather than genuine as Luke's eyes had clouded over and were unreadable, but by the way his body stiffened made it clear that he wasn't happy. Luckily, Charlotte caught his attention and dragged off to get a closer look at their results. That left me alone to try and makes sense of Calum's and Professor Langton's conversation via lip-reading.

They still weren't finished when Luke and Charlotte came bounding back.

"So?" I questioned, but the smiling faces told me the answer.

"We both got A's!" They cheered and threw their linked hands into the air.

"Congrats guys!" I forced another smile onto my face. I was so nervous to get my results.

"See those revision sessions did help!" Luke nudged Charlottes shoulder played.

"Yeah... they helped somehow." EW.

"Anyway, we're gonna head off. See you at home, okay?" Luke smiled.

"Okay." I smiled back.

I watched Charlotte drag Luke out of the door and rolled my eyes. That's when Calum showed up.

"Hey." He poked me in the side.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Lets go get our results shall we?" And then he held out his arm again.

"We shall." And I linked my arm with his.




"I can't believe you!" Calum was still shaking his head.

"What? It's not that big of a deal." I shrugged it off. Inside I was bursting with happiness and couldn't wait till I got home to scream into my pillow about it.

"It's not that big of a deal? Were you reading the same results as me?" Okay, maybe I came second highest in class only beaten by one point by Oscar. Maybe I got an A*. And maybe, just maybe, I wanted to boast about it. And Calum was pretty happy with is result too, when the results came out that he got a B he cheered and hugged me so hard I think I'm going to have bruises. He wouldn't stop thanking me on the way home because according to him the only revision he'd done was read through my notes.

"I guess this my flat." I sighed when I reached the door. Calum had actually walked with me up the many flights of stairs.

"Yeah, I guess this is goodbye." His lips dropped into a pout and he stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets.

"Y'know what? Luke has Charlotte and I am not third wheeling. Come in!" I opened the door.

"But what about Luke?" He bit his lower lip.

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now