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He walked closer and closer to me, till we were almost touching. I could feel his hot breath on my face -  trying my hardest not to cringe. I looked straight up into those warm brown eyes and willed myself not to blink, he stared back.

Finally - before me - he blinked. "I said," his hot breath hitting me in the face, normally I would have sqirmed but I stayed still, Calum smelt like mint and his breath was almost; welcoming, "now that you know my name, it's time for me to learn yours. So what's your name doll?" He straightened up and smiled at me. His smile was sweet and he almost seemed like a normal guy. Normal being that he didn't creep up on girls as they walked home and demand to know her name. 

"Stella." I told him. I was surprised in myself. My voice didn't come out weak and wobbly, it came out strong and sure. 

"Hello, Stella." He replied slowly, like he was trying out my name on his lips. Almost like I had the first time I had heard his name. 

"Hi." I mumbled back and dropped my gaze to my high heeled feet. 

"Listen, I'm sorry if I scared you. At least let me walk you home?" He asked. 

I lifted my gaze to look up at him, there was no daring in his eyes, there was no scowl etched onto his face..... he seemed genuine. So I nodded.

On the walk home he quizzed me. What was my favourite food? What was my favourite colour? What brought me to Cambridge?......

"What me to Cambridge huh?" I mulled over the question in my brain. My mother and father mainly, but wouldn't that just scare him off. 'Oh yeah it was my mother and father, they wanted me to study law and the only way to get them to shut up was to agree, so I did. All I want to do is play the guitar really.....' Yeah it wasn't going to end well..

"Stella?" He peered over at me, I tried to avoid his gaze.

It failed, soon I was looking into his chocolate brown eyes and I opened my mouth. "Oh yeah, it was my mother and father really, they wanted me to study law and the only way to get them to shut up was to agree, so I did. All I want to do is play the guitar really." What did I just say? Why on earth did I just say that. 

He looks at me with wide eyes. "You play the guitar?"

Why was everybody asking me that?

"Erm yeah." I replied. I could feel blush creeping up onto my cheeks. 

"What type?" I could tell he had, had a long line of questions but they had took a dramatic turn when I revealed that I played the guitar.

"Acoustic. What about you, you play anything?" I switched the conversation from me to him. 

"Yeah, haven't played it in ages though. I played the bass, man I love that thing." He spoke with love and looked off into the distance (like they did in old movies just before shimmering music played, the current image wobbled and a flashback started playing). 

"Calum, why don't you play it now?" Suddenly his face clouded over and he looked at me. His genuine look far gone. It was replaced with a scowl, dark eyes, his 'bad boy' look that he always wore - and rocked I have to admit - back in place. It was like an actor had come out of his role for all of ten minutes. 

"Reasons. I think we're at the apartment block. Bye." But he was still standing there. We were staring at each other not knowing what to expect next. 

Just then heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, both our head turned away from eachother to the entrance to the apartment block as Luke came running out. He was in a Blink-182 t-shirt, grey sweatpants and bare footed. 

"Stel, oh my god. It's three in the morning. Do you realise how worried I was when I got home and you weren't here? The lights were off, so I thought you'd gone straight to bed, but then I realised your shoes weren't by the door. Jesus Stel, don't do that to me ever again!" He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, just thankful that someone cared. Calum lightly growled form beside us.

I pulled away from Luke. "Luke, this is Calum. Calum, this is Luke. Calum walked me home, Luke." I told him, I looked up at Luke and was shocked at what I saw.

Luke's jaw was tense and his eyes were narrowed. When I looked over to Calum I saw just the saw just the same - rigid jaw and narrowed eyes. 

"Hood." Luke nodded stifly. 

"Hemmings." Calum muttered back, he didn't even nod. 

"Ummmm, okay. I think we should get inside now. C'mon Luke and thank you Calum, see you soon." I thanked Calum and gave Luke a small shove into the apartment building. The corners of Calum's mouth twitched as he nodded to me. With that, he turned and walked away. 

Back inside the apartment building Luke visibly relaxed. 

"Care to tell me what that was about?" I asked once we were in out flat. 

"Nope, don't worry we just go back a bit that's all, high school friends, one girl, y'know." I brushed off. 

"Okay, " No, I don't know at all, "Night Luke."

"Night Stel." He called back. 

As I lay on my bed, awaiting sleep to take me I knew something was bothering me, but I couldn't quite place it. I replayed today's absurd events back in my mind when it hit me. 

"Hood." Luke nodded stifly. 


Calum Hood. 

And with a smile, sleep over took her. 


okay this was gonna be up like half an hour earlier but then 5sos were like 'oh hey the amnesia music video comes out tomorrow' and then all these stills were released and i wasnt stable bc they looked so effing gorgeus and yeah

i go on holiday tomorrow so quick update before then 

bye bye


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