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I had it all planned out, everything in my head, what exactly I was going to say. Today was the day. I was wearing makeup, I'd done my hair and had two cups of coffee all before 10am. I was going to get this done today and nothing was going to stop me. I called goodbye to Luke, smoothed out my t-shirt and shut the door behind me and walked the few flights of stairs up to Ashton's flat. 

Just as I turned the corner Michael was heading out of the flat, he grinned at me and winked. I frowned and gulped. I knocked on the door and Ashton answered, grinning very widely, showing off his dimples. I felt my heart stutter slightly. 

"Hey, Ash, what's all this?"I smiled seeing a box set of American Horror Story and a pizza of warm large pizza with one slice missing. 

"Aw man, I told Michael not to take a slice!" He groaned and I giggled. "Anyway, we haven't really had some down time together so I thought that maybe American Horror Story and pizza would do?" His eyes were full of hope, how could I say no. Mentally I cursed myself and settled down on the couch opposite the TV. 

Halfway into the third disc of season two Ashton started slowly kissing my neck. I pulled my eyes away from Evan Peters' gorgeous face and turned to face Ashton. "What are you doing?" I frowned.

He looked up at me. "Well, I was getting kinda bored and today is our three month anniversary so I thought..." He trailed off looking hopefully at me.

I rolled my eyes. "But this is literally one of the most important episodes in the whole entire series." I turned back towards the TV and ignored Ashton's frown.




Now that all three series of American Horror Story were finished I flicked through the TV looking for anything, something, to distract Ashton who was, once again, kissing my neck. 

"C'mon baby." He whispered in my ear, finding my sweet spot. I let out a soft moan involuntarily and felt Ashton smile against my skin. 




Three hours later I returned to a quiet flat, feeling dirty and hating myself very much. I placed my phone on charge in the kitchen and turned on the oven to cook myself someone dinner. I changed into my pyjamas and tied up my hair, having showered at Ashton's just before I left. I turned my attention back towards the pasta which was nearly finished cooking. Luke walked in just as I was plating up the pasta. 

"Aw man, I hope you made enough for two, I am starving!"He called from the kitchen doorway. I sighed and shook my head, I did in fact make enough for two, that didn't mean that I was planning on sharing it though. 

I poured some on an extra plate and carried on stirring mayonnaise and grating cheese over my own plate of pasta. I ate it in the kitchen checking my phone at the same time. The doorbell rang shortly afterwards, I looked at Luke who was also eating pasta and checking his phone next to me. He sighed loudly and placed his fork on his half empty plate. 

"Hey, Stella it's for you!" Luke called. I sighed placing my empty plate into the dishwasher and walked to the door. I was surprised to see Ashton leaning against the doorway. 

"Wanna come in?" I offered. He smiled and took my offer he followed me to the living room. I caught Luke's curious gaze and stared back at him. Hopefully he got the message that I wanted privacy. 

I sat down opposite Ashton on the couch and let out a small sigh when I heard the kitchen door being closed. 

"I wanted to tell you something and I just needed  to tell you because next time I'd see you I'd probably chicken out or something so I may have had a few drinks but I just need to tell you okay." Ashton rushed out grabbing my hands and looking me straight in the eyes. 

"Ash, I-I have something to tell you too." I latched onto his hands and held his gaze.

"Okay, okay. We'll tell each other together." He smiled.

"Okay." I giggled. It was now or never.

"Okay, 1...2...3."

"I want to break up with you."

"I love you."

My eyes snapped open. 


did i just double update i think i did 

so please tell me what you think of this please please please 

i have no idea when ill be next on but i am currently writing a story with pizza_chick which i am planning on updating tomorrow so please go and check that out 

all i could think of when writing this was how much i want chinese takeout 


dani :) 

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