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For the next week I studied and worked, studied and worked. A never ending cycle. On the odd occasion Calum talked to me and Luke glared but there was no drama. And, I was happy. No 'drama' meant there being no distractions from studying and I need to study. Even though I was slightly confident I would pass. I actually needed to pass. I had too much pride to admit to my parents that I had failed the course halfway through and I intended to quit my job at the bar and start somewhere more acceptable for my parents. So far, I'd managed to keep the fact that I worked late nights at a bar just to pay the rent a secret.

Luke placed a coffee cup in front of me and the warm, rich smell snapped me from my thoughts. I smiled warmly up at him and lifted the cup to my lips. As I took a sip I felt the warmth flood through me and it almost settled my nerves.

Professor Langton had sent an email out (we were both surprised he knew how to send them) to notify us that there would be no class for the rest of the week as he was 'pleased' with our results and thought we could do with a 'well deserved rest'. I had to agree with him.

Today was results day and all I hoped for is that me and Luke stayed in the class. We'd both put in tiresome amounts of effort revising plus the fact that we worked. Luke often helped Charlotte and Calum would pull me to the side to ask questions on the notes I'd given him. When he first did this it took me a minute to collect my thoughts because he was actually using my notes. But I'd quickly recover to point him in the right direction.

"You ready?" Luke asks, taking our empty mugs into the kitchen.

I sighed. "Yeah. Yeah I am." I follow Luke over to the door and slip on my vans. Then, when Luke has also put on his vans we leave the house.

Outside our block, Charlotte is waiting (who I'm not surprised to see) but who she is talking to, I am surprised to see. I feel Luke tense beside me and I see why. Charlotte looks perfectly comfortable leaning against a wall talking to him and laughing. A weird feeling shoots through me. A feeling I've only experienced a few times before like when Leah went out with my crush (which she knew all about) back in Year 4 or that time when my best friend at the time, Hannah, told me that her parents had accepted the fact that she wanted to do music and were letting her apply for her (also my) dream course. It was plain and simple what it was.


The little green monster. Here I was getting jealous that Charlotte and Calum were talking (not just talking; but laughing!) together as they waited for me and Luke. This isn't normal. I shouldn't get jealous over the fact that Calum Hood was talking to another girl. I shouldn't even be worried. Charlotte was deeply in love with Luke and anyone could see that (well apart from a blind person - but you get the point). I shouldn't be worrying if Charlotte will become better friends than Calum than me. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. But I was.

I was so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't see Charlotte cut Calum up mid-sentence to squeal and run at Luke. I didn't even notice how Calum's eyes slid over to mine and he even blushed a little (it was the cold just biting at his cheeks). However, luckily enough, I missed the long kiss Luke and Charlotte shared. Me coming up from my thoughts as they came up for air.

Luke linked his hand with Charlotte and pulled her past Calum as if he never existed. Charlotte was too caught up in Luke to notice him either. His lips dropped into a small pout before picking back up again. The green monster stirred.

But then he turned his attention to me. "I guess it's just me and you then." And then he offered me one of those smiles.

I looked up at him. "Do you have any tortialla chips?"

"Sadly, no. But I do have strawberry laces, will they do?" He pulled a packet of strawberry laces out of his pocket and showed them to me.

"If you're offering..." I mean, I didn't want to sound greedy. That's a great way to flirt with a guy, demand his tortilla chips but if he doesn't have any scoff all of his strawberry laces instead. But I'm not flirting with him.

"Stella?" I tore my gaze away from my feet and up to his eyes. He waved the open packet in my face. Smiling, I took one.

"We'd better get going, before we lose Luke and Charlotte completely." I gestured the couple as they dissappeared round the corner.

"Well, wouldn't that be a shame." He replied thick and heavy with the sarcasm. However - with a slight of roll of his eyes - he linked my arm with his and we followed after the loved-up couple.


yeah i know its been ages since i updated but school sucks :((

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon