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I woke up later than usual but class started late today anyway. As soon as I looked my reflection in the small mirror on my bedside table, I just knew today was going to be a bad day. My tears from last night had left black gothic lines all over my cheeks. My hair was frizzy and messy - a serious case of bed head. All I knew was that I need coffee, black, and so strong it melted the spoon.

Without caring to drag a brush through my hair, I sleepily stumbled to my door. I yanked it open and blinked as the bright light infected the darkness of my room. I padded into the kitchen to find a steaming cup of coffee waiting for me, I knew it was mine because it was in my mug. Luke stood by the sink, drinking my apperance in. I felt uncomfortable under his concerned gaze. The coffee was black and, when I sipped it, very strong. I smiled warmly at him before forgetting my reasons to dislike him. We stood in awkward, uncomfortable silence, both leaning on countertops, sipping coffee with the occasional watchful galnces to eachother.

Luke finished his mug of coffee before me and softly placed his mug in the sink. Then he turned to me, "Listen, Stella, I want to apologise. I've realised that I've been really, really, stupid. I was too caught up with Charlotte - she's a really nice girl, you know, sweet, caring, kind. I just din't want to screw it up, you get me?" I did get him, the amount of times he's messed it up with past girlfriends because of his own stupidity was endless. "Anyway, I just really wanted to say that I know Ive been stupid and I want to say I'm sorry. So yeah, Stella I'm sorry. Please forgive me?" He smiled wryly and ran his hand through his hair, an action he always did when he was nervous.

A warmth spread through me - and not just from the coffee - that fact that Luke had realised that he was acting stupid and he had apologised. I smiled, "I forgive you, and thank you - for the coffee - and for everything really."

"Well, I haven't been there for most of this week. What's happening between you and this Calum guy?" He asked me, more relaxed now.

"Nothing. I just don't know really." I shrugged. It was true, I didnt know. One minute he was being kind, walking me home and sitting next to me in class - and the next he was telling me that I didn't have friends. I shook my head.

"I heard you crying last night." He muttered. It was a small, side comment but no matter how quiet it was; there was a massive impact.

I shrugged and drained my coffee. "I'd better get ready." And I left the kitchen.

Only when I closed my door on Luke did I realise what I'd done. I'd accepted Luke's apology and we've gone back to being friends, weak. Just like I said I would.

Still angry with myself, I showered and got dressed, this time in an All Time Low top and my usual skinny jeans. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out my bedroom door. Only pausing to switch the lights off. Luke was waiting for me at the door, like he usually did. Despite myself, I smiled. It truly felt like the old Luke was back.

We walked to class together and this time Luke sat down next to me, we chatted aimlessly - it was like we hadn't talked for three months not a day. But that's how it is with Luke, he always keeps a conversation going. We even discussed where the base would be for a zombie apocalypse (we'd decided the local gym, which had some pretty heavy equipment - easily could kill a zombie). Soon enough, Charlotte joined us, sitting on the right of Luke - me being on the left.

Luke made conversation with both us and held it expertly. It really made me wonder how he did this. I pretended to listen to the current conversation Luke and Charlotte were having but instead I focused on other things. Stupid things really, like I really needed to get the food shopping done. This morning I'd noticed we were scarcely low on food. I made a mental note to call in at Tesco and pick up some of the necassary supplies.

The noise beside me fell quiet, the shock of it bringing me back to reality. Luke and Charlotte's conversation had died down and they were both staring upwards. I followed their gaze and felt my eyes widen. There stood Calum Hood, I felt Luke tense beside me, but I could also feel tension rolling off Calum in big waves.

He was wearing a Green Day t-shirt that had many holes (or rips) all over the design. But none, thankfully, over the band members faces. His skinny jeans showed perfectly sculpted thighs. Wow. That was something I'd never noticed about him. He must squat daily or something. Wait, Stella what the hell are you thinking - there is an actual problem here! I brought my focus from his scuffed black vans and looked up at him. He stared at Luke through small slits for eyes. "Move." He growled.

Luke showed the same kind of fierceness and narrowed his eyes back - making the sea blue look almost black. "No, Hood. Leave us all alone." There seemed to be a deeper meaning.

Calum sighed turned and walked away. I felt my body relax and my eyes widen. I couldn't believe Calum had walken away, just like that. Most of me was glad that he had given up so easily but a small, dark part of me was dissappointed that he hadn't put up more of a fight.

Luke turned to me, visibly relaxed also, and just shrugged. He almost seemed to shocked to speak. Then Charlotte carried on her conversation and his attention turned back to her. I checked the time on my old phone, only ten more minutes till the lecture started, and at least I didn't have to worry about Calum this time.

As soon as the thoughts had entered my brain a foot stomped down next to me. Slowly followed by another foot. I looked down at the scuffed black vans and had to hold back a loud gasp. There stood Calum Hood. He settled down in the seat on my left. When I looked up at him he smiled sweetly at me, the type of smile you saved for grandmas or puppies.

"What do you want?" I hissed and tried not to alert Luke.

"Notes?" He smiled sweetly again.

"Notes. You want the notes. Oh, you mean the notes I spent over two hours copying out for you, only to have you tell me you didn't want them. Those notes?" I replied bitterly.

His smiled slipped slightly. "Listen, I had a few drinks last night a-" I cut him off sharply.

"Calum, I was there since opening you had two - maybe three - and unless you're an extreme lightweight or something..." I trailed off.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but I kinda need those notes." He gave me a lop-sided smile this time.

I sighed and reached into my bag. I had no idea why I had brought them with me in the first place but I'm glad I did, the night in the alleyway was still fresh in my mind. A sickening thought flashed in my mind - I was casually handing over law notes to someone who had beat a dis-advantaged guy up in an alleyway. 

Shuddering I pulled the notebooks from my bag and thumped them down on his lap. He winced. Good, I'm glad it hurt. "Thanks." He smiled again. He lips were a soft pink colour which stood out ever so slightly bright from his tanned complextion. Oh my god, stop thinking about his lips. That's the last thing you need to be worrying about.

And, as I looked up at the board I realised it really was. Professor Langton had entered and set up his powerpoint and there was a notice in bright bold red letters. Anyone within a three mile radius could see it. There was a test coming up. Next week - and anyone who didn't pass were kicked out.

"This class is not for slackers." Professor Langton warned.


see guys i told you! :)

ily charlotte :) ♥

see ya later ...

Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें