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It took my a few minutes to recollect what happened last night/early hours this morning and when the memories came flooding back all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and go back to sleep.

I could hear Luke in the kitchen making breakfast, it sounded like he had Charlotte with him as well. I sighed deeply as I rolled off the sofa and rubbed sleep from my eyes. I folded up the many bed sheets and collected the pillows, stuffing them carelessly in the airing cupboard.

I yawned quietly as I silently walked into the kitchen, rolling my eyes as the hushed conversation between Luke and Charlotte came abruptly to a halt. I clicked the kettle on and leant against the kitchen top as Luke and Charlotte sent me sceptial glances.

"I'm fine, nothings wrong." I rolled my eyes, dismissing them.

"Are you sure?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes, I'm very sure." I said harshly and busied myself preparing my mug of coffee.

"Me and Charlotte are going to town in a bit, wanna come?" Luke asked quietly.

"I'll just stay in and do housework, but thanks for the offer." I smiled at them both, and took myself and my mug of coffee out of the kitchen and into my bedroom.

In my bedroom I set my mug on the dresser and sat back on the bed looking out the window at the busy city. Just a little far off I could see the bar that I worked at and, luckily, had the rest of the week off. As I was staring at the bar, the dirty lights flickered on and I became aware of the time. Opening hours were 3pm - I'd slept most of the day.

Running my hands through my hair I trudged into my bathroom and showered. During my shower I must have missed Luke and Charlotte bidding me goodbye as when I was ready and merged from the darkness of my bedroom it was nearly 6pm.

I do most of my important thinking in the shower and whislt I was in the shower I decided that I needed answers. Luke or Calum wouldn't give them to me, but I knew someone who might. Dressed in my shortest, tightest black dress and 3-inch black stilletto heels, I grabbed my clutch bag containing my phone and keys and headed out the door, locking it behind me.

As I walking through the alleyway towards the bar the reality of my plan set it. There was no guarntee he was going to be there. Luke and Charlotte didn't know where I was. I should just turn back, but I've come too far to go back now.






"Hey Stel, I didn't think you were supposed to be working till next week." Kaytee greeted me happily.

"Oh, I'm not, uhh, I'm meeting someone." I scanned the bar, looking for him.

"Oh? He's here, you know." She winked, as if she knew something I didn't.

"Who?" I answered quickly, palms becoming damp at the thought of Luke or Calum here.

"Oh, you know who. Curly hair, green eyes, you always smile when you talk to him." She smiled.

He's here. Relief flooded through me.

"Oh, right okay. Thanks." I smiled back at her and side stepped around her as she turned her attention back to the bar.

I soon found him and took a seat at the bar next to him. He was staring into space, completely lost to his thoughts. I don't know whether he was with Michael or not.

I tapped him on the shoulder, holding back a giggle when he jumped slightly. His eyes seemed to light up at the sight of me.

"Hey!" He shouted happily, smiling widely and pulled me into a one armed hug.

"Hi, Ash!" I greeted back just as happily and smiling just as widely.



Last update before christmas!!

Have a fantastic christmas guys! Love ya

I know where this is going with the next couple of chapters and all i can say is 'please dont hate me'

I'll see you before 2014 is over


Opposites Attract - Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now