chapter xxviii

950 76 44

tw// panic attack

⊱⊱ ── { Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ } ── ⊰⊰

Tommy sat on the ground of the nursery for a while.

He couldn't move.

Not after everything that happened in the span of five days came crashing on him so fast, to the point where he couldn't breathe.

Drista's body was taken after a while.

Drista was taken.


They took her body as if they were just discarding trash.

They didn't even bother to clean up the blood.

Tommy didn't quite register when Fundy climbed out of his crib and into Tommy's lap.

It didn't mean Tommy wasn't clutching to Fundy as if the small child was his only lifeline.


Tommy looked down at the baby in his lap.

His face morphed into absolute horror.

This three-year-old child just watched his father kill someone.

"Oh... oh no, oh no, baby I'm-"

Fundy shook his head.

"Daddy put tape."

Tommy's breath hitched.

He wasn't prepared for this.

"Daddy did what ."

Tommy couldn't help the voice crack because everything was crashing, and he was drowning, and he didn't know what to do-

"Daddy put tape. Says he don't want me make noise when sleep."

Tommy couldn't get any words out.

He just hugged Fundy tighter to his chest.

He just wanted a hug.

Tommy just wanted Dream here, because Dream would know what to do.

He just wanted a sane adult, just someone.



Tommy wanted Niki.

But he couldn't get up.

Time passed.

And almost like magic, the door creaked open again.

There she was.


Tommy broke down into sobs again, just at the sight of her.

He's honestly never seen Niki move so fast in his life before.

In a blink, there were hands around his shoulders, and a consoling voice in his ear.


He wanted to feel as calm as the voice.

He couldn't, not after the past five days, not after the past five minutes -

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