Chapter 2

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    "Okay, girls. You could meet us at the restaurant once you've finished choosing." My British-Singaporean father said to me and Yanny.

    "You know, you're such a good mix between your mom and dad that it's almost uncanny." my cousin tells me as we started walking inside the furniture store.

    I've actually heard a lot of people tell me that. They said they could easily tell which features I got from my mom and my dad. Firstly, my lips and complexion was more from my mom, for she was olive-skinned and had full lips which she got from her Filipino genes. On the other hand, I got my nose and my eyes from my father who had light brown eyes and a tall button nose.

    "You look more like Uncle Lance." I tell her, pertaining to her dad which was my father's brother.

    We were furniture hunting as I was about to move from my dorm to my own place. I was on my second year of college now and I had just turned 20. How time flies.

    "I can't wait to move in to our apartment!" Yanny said.

    The guilt start creeping in again.

   "Yanny, about that." I started. My cousin immediately looked at me when she realized I sounded serious.

   "I want to have my own apartment." This was the first time I'm telling her about this. I've thought about it for a while now and I just haven't had the courage to tell her. She's been so excited.

    "You don't want to live with me anymore?" Her voice became softer as she got through her sentence.

    "It's not like that–"

    She starts nodding as she cut me off. "No, it's fine. I know you want your own space. I guess it's tiring because we've been stuck together since forever." She says, giving me a small smile. "I understand."

   Yanny didn't even give me a chance to explain.

    Ever since the time I told her, she's been very distant. She still talks to me, but there was this wall she's put up between us. It was so difficult to get through.

    "Are you sure you've settled everything for the apartment?" My mother asked me on the phone. She was still a little skeptical about me moving in to my new place because I did it all on my own.

    "Yes, mom." I tell her again.

    "Skyler, I swear, if there's even a slight problem you're coming back here." She says. I moved the phone away from me for a moment and let out a sigh before answering again.

    Like in high school, my parents were still expecting a lot from me. I thought they'd be happy when I graduated with that title and their protectiveness and expectations would lay low but it was still the same.

    Actually, my parents didn't want me to go to NYU. They were more inclined to me going to Harvard. I didn't want to keep following what other people wanted for me anymore. I wanted to do things for myself. I love my parents. I love my mom. But it's all just been so suffocating.

    I needed to do a lot of convincing for them to let me go. They eventually agreed when they found out that Yanny and I were going to stay in one dorm.

    Yep, me and Yanny will never be apart.

    Well, except now.

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