Chapter 11

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    "Well, someone looks happy."

    Yanny said suddenly while we were in the middle of putting things away in the attic. We were currently in Florida, helping our parents pack up our late grandmother's old stuff in her old house. It had just been sold and our parents asked us to fly in for the weekend to help. I also tried my best to act casual in front of my parents, trying not to act so guilty over not living in my own apartment yet—and living with a guy at that.

    I look at Yanny for a moment before shaking my head. "I always look like this." I tell her.

    "Oh quit denying, Skyler." She says, putting emphasis in saying my whole name. "You've been looking so radiant these days." I laugh at her choice of words. "Could your housemate be responsible, perhaps?"

    I ignored Yanny's teasing. Although I was denying it, I do know that I've been feeling a little better these days.

    Other than the fact that I've almost saved enough money for that apartment, Nick and I have been slowly going back to how we were too.

    But, I can't deny the fact that his words that day still make my heart skip a beat whenever I remember it.

    I can't have you drifting away from me, Skyler.

    I fought the urge to smile at myself because I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it if Yanny ever catches me.

    Even if those words were heavy, I didn't dwell much on putting a lot of meaning into them. Like he mentioned, I was one of the few people closest to him right now. He had told me that he'd considered me as one of his closest friends, and he didn't want that to change.

    That was it.

    I shouldn't think anything else of it. I shouldn't.

    "Look Yanny," I called out to her when I saw something inside one of grandma's old drawers. It looked like a book but when I opened it, the words were handwritten. It looked like my grandmother's handwriting too. And it was a little old, some words were starting to fade.

    "Must be mami's old diary." Yanny shrugs and proceeds to continue putting things inside boxes.

    I was intrigued by what my grandmother's diary contained so I opened I few pages. I was interested to know what it was like inside my grandmother's head, to see what life was like through her eyes. I opened to a random page and read what was in it.

2nd of June, 1963

Whenever he pulls me inside his embrace he doesn't seem so untouchable. I want nothing more than to run away with him whenever he's close to me and just forget the rest of the world.

But today, when I saw him on that podium, I remember who he is to the rest of the world. Then the fear comes creeping in. Our worlds are just too far apart.

    That was what I read. And now, I was more intrigued. Who was mami talking about? From what I know, she had met my grandfather after college and if I did my math correctly, she was only 18 when she wrote this.

    The thought of my grandmother having a crush when she was younger made me smile to myself. I've known my grandmother all my life but it has only crossed me that I was only a small part of her's. She lived a life before me and right now I have read a small page of it.

    I kept the diary with me and proceeded to continue helping Yanny.

    "How's school?" my mother asked me as we were eating dinner together.

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