Chapter 8

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"Come on, Sky. We've never been to one!"

I was with Yanny right now, eating lunch. We already finished our shift even if it was still in the middle of the day because Heather had to close the bookstore early for she had to attend a program for her daughter.

Ever since earlier, Yanny has been trying to talk me into going to a college party. Although we've been invited to a few parties in high school, we've only ever been to one and we went home after a few minutes because it was too chaotic.

Yanny was the one who initiated for us to swear not to go to one again. There were a lot of teenage drinking involved and a lot of stupidity too. I didn't have a problem with that agreement because I didn't really enjoy my time while at that party.

That's why I was a little confused why Yanny is suddenly asking me to go to one.

"Yanny, we've been to a party. And you hated it. I think we should just rest." I tell her as I drank from my shake.

"But this is a college party. I've heard it's calmer and more sophisticated than that cheap high school party we went to before." She says, almost pleading now.

I look at her with narrow eyes. "Tell me, is Riley going to be there?"

Her eyes widened for a second, as if being caught. Gotcha. That was why she wanted to go. I was confused, though. Riley doesn't struck me as a party kind of guy. He was more of a cafés and bookstore kind of guy. Do you get me?

"Yanny, I'm not judging your taste or anything but I never really thought your type would be party-goers." I tell her honestly.

I mean, don't guys like that have a bad rep?

Yanny immediately shakes her head. "It's not like that! I swear!"

"Then what is it?" I loved Yanny and would support her in anything she does, but I don't want her to be associated with people that would end up being bad for her.

She sighed. "I told you, college parties are different. And also, he's not going there because he wants to. I heard his sister isn't allowed to go to parties unless he's there. That's why he's going." she explains and I slowly start to understand now.

"Please? I haven't seen him in so long!"

"But you're neighbors." I say.

"He hasn't been back at his apartment ever since his sister moved to New York. He's been staying at their family's house. He mentioned something about his family wanting to spend time together." She says, even looking up to remember what she's been told.

"Please?" She says.

I thought of it again. It's not gonna hurt right? And if I was the one in her position, I'm pretty sure Yanny would do it for me. Eventually, I nodded at her which immediately made her clap for joy.

"Thank you! I love you!"

The night came and I went out of the guest room all dressed up for the party that Yanny talked me into going. I don't really know how to dress for parties so I only wore a short black body con dress with black tights, and brought a leather jacket because it gets cold at night.

I saw how Nick turned to me when he saw me walking out. His eyes went from my face and to what I was wearing. He looked confused when his eyes met mine again.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Uh, Yanny asked me to go with her to a party. I didn't want to go but I can't say no to her." I said to him, feeling a little awkward now that he's talking to me.

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