Chapter 7

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The days pass by so swiftly that it's been a month since I've stayed at Nicolas' apartment.

    I even shocked myself because I managed to keep this up with Yanny for long. I don't know how I did it, but she still had no clue I was staying with my high school crush's apartment.

Her, on the other hand, I knew all about what was happening with her and that neighbor of hers.

"He talks to you now, I'm guessing that's progress?"

We were at the bookstore for our shifts. We've been sorting out books and have been doing citations for each.

    I've also been feeling so tired because I just started my other jobs just so I could get the money for my apartment faster. My head was starting to ache and Yanny's complaints about her love life is starting to stress me out too. But even if it was, I liked listening to Yanny talk. It's always so entertaining.

"But isn't that what a normal human being is supposed to do?! Does that even mean anything?" She says as she was writing something on the book logs.

We spent hours doing just that and helping customers here and there.

"Girls, do you want anything? I'm heading out to get some lunch." Heather calls out to us.

    She's really nice. Her personality is as pretty as her outward appearance. It makes working here a lot better too. We also found out this bookstore has been owned by their family for years now, that's why the interiors look very vintage.

We only asked her to bring back some burgers and fries because me and Yanny were starving. Lately, I've been feeling so tired. I hadn't imagine how tiring it was to be able to balance school and a job; since classes have already started.

I'm just glad I had the freedom to adjust my schedules, so that was one bright side.

It wasn't a while before Heather came back with the food and let me and Yanny take a break to eat. Yanny was quiet now as she ate her food, probably tired from all the extra stress she's inflicting on herself because of her situation with Riley, her neighbor.

We were both quiet as we scrolled through our phones. I was looking at some notes I've had for class and Yanny was too.

When I finished breezing through my notes, I went over to Instagram and visited Nick's art account. I've noticed how he's been posting a lot lately. Although, I don't really see him paint in the apartment so I don't know where he does these paintings.

I look at his profile and smile. His recent paintings have been looking very bright and airy. The colors are more alive than they used to. Looking at them feels uplifting.

I've also went back to the habit of commenting on his paintings, even if it'll just get buried under all the other comments on his post. I saw how he posted a new one and I immediately went on to write something.

    skysecrets ur paintings look happy. i hope u are too :)

I placed my phone on the table after that and continued eating. I was enjoying my fries when my phone suddenly rang. I forgot to turn it on silent so Yanny's eyes were also on it now.

I brought the phone to me and my eyes widened at who was calling. Good thing I placed it upside down on the table earlier. I look at Yanny who was now waiting for me to answer the call. I slowly slid the answer button before speaking.

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