Chapter 20

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    It was a day before New Year's Eve and I had already been back from my parents' house. Right now, we were on the way to the hotel that Nick got for us to stay in for New Year's Eve.

    I was in the car with Nick while behind us was Yanny and Gio, and the car behind them was of Mel and his sister. We were all celebrating New Year's together and I was very pleased that it was just us. I think my social battery is still drained after talking with all those people on Christmas.

    Music was playing from Nick's car as he holds my hand as he drove. I watch the outside and admired how beautiful New York looks in the holidays. Snow had filled the streets and Christmas lights still glistened. People were wearing coats and hats to protect them from the cold.

    We were going to be staying at a hotel upstate that had a great view of New York City. We wanted to see the fireworks and all the lights shining from the city when the clock strikes midnight.

    As I went inside the suite, my jaw almost dropped to the floor when I saw how it looked inside. Nicolas said it was just a humble little hotel near the city, but as I looked around I couldn't see which part of it was humble or little at all.

    Our room was even bigger than my apartment. It had a master's bedroom, a living room, and a kitchen. It had glass windows and I saw how there was even a hot tub inside the room.

    "Humble little hotel, huh?" I turned to Nick who had a shy smile on now.

    "I just want to give you the best."

    We spent most of the day just resting and eating inside because the boys were tired from driving. Mel and his sister shared a room while Yanny and Gio shared one too. I already knew Yanny was happy about that.

    Right now, we were going to go skiing, that was one of the hotel's amenities so we wanted to try it out.

    I've never really tried skiing before.

    And as I look at what was in front of me, I don't really know if I want to try it anytime soon.

    "Baby, you'll be fine." Nick assured me again when I started to have second thoughts. Really, why was I here? I could've been at the spa or resting at the hot tub.

    There were other hotel guests here that were skiing and I see them already having a good time. No one here really minded seeing Nicolas Leon, I've noticed that as soon as we entered the lobby.

    Both Gio and Nicolas knew this place well because they've been here before. The hotel was pretty exclusive so I guess that was also partly the reason why Nick chose this place. I've seen a couple familiar faces here too, from the halloween party.

    I looked over at my side and saw how Gio was helping Yanny with her gear and teaching her which way to go. Yanny was listening to him intently.

    As I look at them, I could tell the difference with how Riley used to look at Yanny and how Gio does now.

    "G, you good?" Nick asked Gio who was still talking things through with Yanny. We agreed to go at the same time so Nick asked if they were ready now.

    "Yep." Gio nods when Yanny decided she was good to go. In the end, Nick and Gio went first so they could help me and Yanny incase we lose our balance or something like that.

    "Awe, look at our boys." Yanny says as she looked over at Gio and Nick who were waiting for us down this steep hill with worried looks on their faces.

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