Chapter 18

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"Are you okay? You've been really quiet on the way home."

    We were back at Nick's apartment now.

I was still in my red dress and Nicolas was still in his suit as we stood at his balcony. Tonight has been a dream. Something that was straight out of a movie.

Although, I can't lie that what Heaven said about me affected me a little. It reminded me of how different me and Nick's worlds are.

Actually, what happened earlier reminded me of that one page from my grandmother's diary. How hearing those words from others was the reason why she started doubting their relationship with the man I still don't know the name of.

That was basically the tipping point of their story. The start of the storm that destroyed them.

I looked at Nicolas.

    "Are you too good for me?" I can't help but ask.

Even if I acted tough in front of Heaven, I can't help but think of that. I've been so close to Nicolas that I've forgotten who he was to everyone else. Nicolas was Nicolas, while I'm just me.

I see Nicolas frown at my question. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" he says.

What he said made me soft. It sounded so good that I almost believed it.

    What exactly did I do for him to feel this way about me? I wasn't anything special.

"Did something happen for you to think that way?" He asked, serious now. He didn't look happy with what he realized.

I gave him a small smile. "I just heard a few talks earlier. I know I shouldn't let it get to me because they don't know me personally. But, I can't help but ponder on it. I saw everyone at that party tonight. I was nowhere near all those people there. Sometimes, I also wonder if I deserve you too." I tell him honestly.

    I've read somewhere that the most vital part in any kind of relationship was communication and honesty. This is me being honest.

Nicolas let out a deep sigh, like he wasn't happy with what he just heard. "Skyler, you got scammed and had nowhere to go, but you managed to get an apartment in just a few months with no one else's effort but your own, while still consistently being on top of your class, and acing all your college exams. You're kind, patient, understanding, strong, smart, and so so beautiful. And you can cook too." I laughed at his last sentence.

I didn't know that was what he thought of me. He described me like I was someone so great. It was a bit silly because we both see the greatness in each other, but somehow don't see it in ourselves.

"Skyler, stop watering yourself down."

His words cut deep. I was reminded of how Yanny used to tell me that exact same thing.

Maybe it was because I grew up in a household wherein I was always pushed to be better. Good enough is never just good enough. I was always told to become better without being celebrated for who I already was.

"You're amazing as you are. And you're all I will ever want." he says softly.

His words were so comforting. It was so good to hear, especially coming from him. It was like, everything I've ever done amount to something because he recognizes them. He sees me.

I can't help but wrap my arms around him as I leaned in for a kiss. I haven't drank any alcohol all night, but right now I felt intoxicated. His kisses had that effect on me. He pulled away, as both his palms were still holding my face.

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