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"Have you decided if you're going to fight this season?" Ace asks as we walk to the gas station.

 Rose asked me to get garlic bread for dinner. I don't know if they are going to have it at a gas station. It sounds ridiculous to me , but Bella said they do and I didn't feel like arguing. 

The girls stayed home to finish the project they are working on. They won't let us see it, but their giggles have been bouncing around my apartment for hours today as they sneak around getting supplies.

 I sigh, "No, I haven't. Fighting in those matches has been such a large chunk of my life. But I don't want to get Rose involved in anything like last year." 

Conway is still in jail, and he will be for a long time. But that doesn't mean someone else won't try the same shit with her again. 

"She's been so happy lately, man. Everything has finally smoothed out and I don't want to be the reason she gets sucked back into a shitty environment."

 "Have you talked with her about it?"

 "Of course I have." Not that it helped much. "She said she will support me in whatever I want to do." 

Bella's favorite song starts playing from Ace's pocket. I can't help but smile knowing somehow Bella got a hold of his phone sometime this morning and changed it again. 

The two of them have been fighting over his ringtone for months and no matter how many times Ace switches it back to a generic one, it somehow magically changes back to Bella's song again. 

Ace curses as he rips the phone out of his pocket and hits answer. 

"Yes?" He tries to hide the annoyance in his voice, but just a hit on it sneaks through. 

My attention is fully grabbed when Bella starts to yell into the phone so loud I can hear every word she says. "There's been an incident!" 

The words cause both Ace and I to stop in our tracks. 

"What do you mean?" He says, gripping the phone tighter. 

"How mad do you think Blake will be if he finds out his couch is stained red?" 

Stained red? With what? 

"I don't know, it probably depends on what happened." 

"Well... you see." 

"Just tell me if it's blood." I lean over and say into the phone.

 Rose has a nasty habit of injuring herself and 'refreshing her blood supply' as she puts it. I say she's as clumsy as can be, and should probably not be allowed to run without being covered in bubble wrap. 

"Well, that's a little complicated. Oh shoot!." A loud crash echos out the phone. "Rose! Are you ok?" Bella yells, and then the call ends. 

"Well that didn't sound good." Ace says tensely. 

"No shit." 

What the fuck just happened? We've only been gone for five minutes. Without another word Ace and I turn around and start running towards my apartment.


 We make it back in record time. 

And the first thing I hear is Rose's worried voice. "Why did you call him?" 

"Well, I thought it would be funny at first, but then you went and actually hurt yourself!"

 I can't see them yet, but I'm mentally preparing myself to see my girl missing a limb.

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